Practical Book Review Assignment Instructions
A Practical Book Review (PBR) is a way of responding to readings that requires you to interact with new ideas and techniques on several levels. Your PBR can be accomplished by thinking of four action words: Summarize, Respond, Reflect, and Act. Use the following headings and details to satisfactorily complete the review. This Review is to be completed as explained in these instructions.
Book – John Ortberg – The Me I Want to Be
Link –
- In your own words, summarize what you have read by boiling down the book into a brief summary (1-2 pages). Prove that you comprehend the material by writing a brief, comprehensive summary. SUMMARIZE! is not a commentary with reflection or a rehearsing of the text’s Table of Contents; rather, it is a gut-level, insightful “précis” of the longer, more highly crafted book. Bottom line: Provide a clear and concise overview of the material!
- Short quotations are acceptable, but they should not be more than 1-2 sentences. Direct quotations, paraphrases, and core notes must be properly cited. Do not reference any other source in your summary. This summary is only about the assigned text. Do not use first or second person; be a reporter and give clear, concise facts.
- Do not copy and paste from the text, a website, student sample, or from a previous Practical Book Review──this is plagiarism!
- In the closing transition, pitch a convincing “So What?!” to the reader. The “So-What?!” qualifier introduces the central point with an appeal for application. Be clear and concise regarding a central point that makes it a good-read. In short, use the “So-What?!” phrase as you point out to the reader “Why s/he should care?!”enough to apply this point to his or her life.