1. Find a current event article in a REPUTABLE magazine or newspaper about abortion. Write a brief summary and discuss something that this article that relates to one of the readings or lectures from this unit. Include a link to the article.


  1. List your results from the poll at the beginning of the first video. Describe three answers that have changed over the course of the unit. Why do you think that happened?

. If nothing changed, describe why it did not change, how you came to these conclusions, what you found most convincing of the arguments, and how you would answer that argument.


  1. Thomson gives us several vivid thought experiments; name 3 of them. Pick one of them and discuss its purpose, the argument it advances, why it is plausible, and an objection.


  1. Marquis offers a new argument in the abortion debate that he cleverly calls FLO (future like ours). What is FLO? How does it resolve the prima facie problems of the anti and pro abortion debates? How does FLO relate to killing? What is one argument for why we should adopt FLO and one argument for why we should reject it?


  1. What are the 5 conditions of personhood? What would you change? Why?