Entries by Bravister

What were the techniques, strategies and discourses used to take control of sexuality and restrict it or confine it to specific categories from the 17th to the 20th century?

Queer Sexuality Assignment 1.How does Foucault define sex and sexuality? 2.When Foucault is talking about the production of sexuality, what does he mean when he defines sexuality as a “name that can be given to a historical construct?” 3.Which are the four strategic unities that, beginning in the 18th century until late 19th century, helped […]

How has or will the content of this video influenced your practice? Explain.

Fat City Video Reflextion link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3UNdbxk3xs The presenter does not use person-first language, however, the simulation that he engages the group in is quite insightful. 1.What are the big ideas addressed in the video? 2.What were you thinking as you watched the video? 3.How has this video affected your thinking? 4.Were you able to relate […]

Evaluate critically the different theoretical frameworks which seek to explain sex work/prostitution.

Understanding the sex industry- 2500 word essay Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural context in which the sex industry exists, the diversity of actors involved in the sex industry and the different spatial contexts in which sex is sold and exchanged. Evaluate critically the different theoretical frameworks which seek to explain sex work/prostitution. Discuss service […]

Write an analysis of your care setting that supports development of a strategic plan and includes both the discovery and dream phases of an appreciative inquiry (AI) project and a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of the care setting.

Write an analysis of your care setting that supports development of a strategic plan and includes both the discovery and dream phases of an appreciative inquiry (AI) project and a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of the care setting.