Entries by Bravister

Explain how the evidence should be processed, including the basic scientific analysis to be performed on each piece of evidence and the laboratory equipment that will be utilized.

Crime Scene Scenario Analysis Throughout this course, we have explored topics in forensic science with special emphasis on approaching, securing, and managing a crime scene; documenting, collecting, and processing evidence; maintaining chain of custody; and presenting evidence at trial. We have also looked at collection and analysis of fingerprints, ballistics evidence, blood, trace evidence, tool […]

How does the deployment and use of Teaching Assistants (TAs) support academic progress in Design and Technology (DT) for Key stage 3 (KS3) students with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs in a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) setting?

How does the deployment and use of Teaching Assistants (TAs) support academic progress in Design and Technology (DT) for Key stage 3 (KS3) students with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs in a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) setting?

Compare and contrast associational, difference, and descriptive types of research questions.

D1.2 Research Questions I. Compare and contrast associational, difference, and descriptive types of research questions. There are several types of research questions that can be asked. The three categories include difference, associational, and descriptive. All of them are trying to learn something but have different approaches. According to Morgan et al. (2013), difference research questions […]

How would you interpret a z score of ‐3.0? c) What percentage of scores is between a z of ‐2 and a z of +2? Why is this important?

Variables, Z Scores, Population and Output RESPONSE DB 820 D2.1 Working with Variables. a) Compare and contrast nominal, dichotomous, ordinal, and normal variables. b) In social science research, why isn’t it important to distinguish between interval and ratio data? a) Compare and contrast nominal, dichotomous, ordinal, and normal variables. b) In social science research, why […]

Demonstrate critical and innovative thinking to evaluate alternative service strategies and in doing so, find an effective solution that best benefit various stakeholders

Services Marketing This assessment is linked with the following Course Learning Outcomes: CLO1 Apply relevant service theories, models and frameworks to evaluate business situations CLO2 Develop appropriate service strategies and tactics to improve business outcomes CLO3 Demonstrate critical and innovative thinking to evaluate alternative service strategies and in doing so, find an effective solution that […]

Evaluate the persuasive techniques of media, visual arguments, and advertising.

Front Line Leaders and Critical Thinking This course equips you with critical thinking tools to increase proficiency in communication and persuasion for situations in your personal and professional life. You will learn how to use methods of informal logic to create effective arguments, evaluate common logical fallacies, and discuss abstract concepts, with a focus on […]

Identify areas for potential growth, both at the employee and organizational level.

Acquiring Nursing Employees During this course, you will develop materials that support the human resource process from acquiring, developing, and leveraging on employee strengths. In this assignment, conduct a needs assessment and develop a job description for your current organization or a pre-approved organization that you have access to interact with. If you are not […]

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory income management and critically evaluate its effectiveness.

Front line Leaders and Interpersonal Communications Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory income management and critically evaluate its effectiveness.This course introduces students to the principles of interpersonal communication and emphasizes how to be a more effective communicator in professional and personal situations. Emphasis is on interpersonal communication in varying contexts, focusing on professional communication […]