Entries by Bravister

Identify the implications for you as the newly hired Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X.

Paper detalis: you have the task of analyzing a case study entitled, Louisiana and Vision 2020. In your evaluation, avoid summarizing the case. Instead, analyze the case critically and assess how it pertains to this week’s readings. Refer to the Guide to a Successful Case Study Analysis (see slides above) for additional guidance. Remember, excellent […]

 Discuss what is meant by technology integration and what it looks like in classrooms.

The paragraph below was given by the instructor to develop this section of my assignment. Discuss what is meant by technology integration and what it looks like in classrooms. Spend some time exploring the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) ( Here’s a link to the Matrix : https://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/matrix/), and briefly explain the interdependent characteristics of meaningful […]

Describe the original source for its active ingredient, the original world region from where it came, and how it was originally used in this cultural context.

Describe the original source for its active ingredient, the original world region from where it came, and how it was originally used in this cultural context. Outline the key innovations that have made the drug more potent, more available, and less expensive over time. Finally, describe how and for what purposes it is used today. […]

Describe the negative and positive effects and the modes of using given by the interviewee for the one drug you chose.

Write-up and submission. Please write-up responses to the following questions (see below), add the free-list responses and then submit on blackboard under. For this assignment it is not necessary to write an entire page of prose.  However, you do need to include the entire list of drugs, and positive effects, modes of using, and negative […]