Entries by Donald

For this task, you will analyze the annual report, the 10-K, other company SEC filings, and industry data for a selected publicly-held company.

For this task, you will analyze the annual report, the 10-K, other company SEC filings, and industry data for a selected publicly-held company.  You will prepare a broad audit plan for one of the following companies:   Home Depot Inc.   Gap Inc.   Darden Restaurants Inc. The broad-based audit plan should identify control risks and areas […]

Assess the elite model as an approach to U.S. immigration policy. Compare this approach to at least one other policy model.

In essay format, provide well-developed responses to the following tasks: -Assess the elite model as an approach to U.S. immigration policy. Compare this approach to at least one other policy model. -Analyze public policy-making in the area of civil rights according to group theory, and compare the chapter’s use of the elite model. -Of the […]

What are the goals of public education in the United States? Is any consensus possible? What are the main issues in assessing educational achievement? What policy approaches are best in resolving these issues?

In essay format, provide well-developed responses to the following questions: -What are the goals of public education in the United States? Is any consensus possible? -What are the main issues in assessing educational achievement? What policy approaches are best in resolving these issues? -How does Group Theory provide a relevant framework for understanding these issues? […]

Compare and contrast Tartuffe and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the way the structure of the comedy is undermined to emphasize a political point or societal problem.

Compare and contrast Tartuffe and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the way the structure of the comedy is undermined to emphasize a political point or societal problem. It has to be formatted in MLA and be a minimum of 1000 words. With at least one quote from each play in each of the 2 body […]

Select a disease process that interests you ,write no more than a 2 page paper

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.  1) Select a disease process that interests you. 2) Obtain approval of the selected disease process from the course faculty. a. Faculty will share how to submit your topic choice for approval. 3) Write no more than a 2 page paper (excluding title and reference pages). 4) Include the following sections about the selected disease process (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric). a. Introduction of disease ‐ 20 points/20% • One paragraph (approximately 200 words) • Includes disease description • Includes epidemiology of disease b. Etiology and risk factors ‐ 20 points/20% • Common causes of the disease or condition • Risk factors for the disease or condition • Impact of age • Prevalence based on gender, • Influence of environment • Genetic basis of disease • Lifestyle influences • All information supported by current literature c. Pathophysiological processes ‐ 20 points/20% • Describes changes occurring at the cellular, tissue, and/or organ level that contribute to the disease process. • Describes adaptation of the cells and body in response to the disease. • Relates disease processes to manifested signs and symptoms. d. Clinical manifestations and complications ‐ 20 points/20% • […]

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay describing a local crime prevention program and a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the program, or what is good about it and what is bad about it?

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay describing a local crime prevention program. Include the following in your essay: The name of the crime prevention program. A description of the components of the program, including the length of time to complete the program, who the participants are, who teaches the program, in what setting it is […]