Entries by Donald

What parts of the lawmaking process does a nurse have an opportunity to influence the final bill passage? List at least two ways that this influence can take place. In your opinion, would one way be preferable over the other?

Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process In a Microsoft Word document of 2-3 pages formatted in APA style, you will answer three questions related to your opportunity as a nurse and an advocate. The first two questions relate to influencing a bill that is traveling through the legislative process. The third question refers you […]

How do you participate in bringing order from chaos?

In 250 words, reflect on this week’s course content, as it relates to your ongoing discernment of vocation. What might you be called to do in light of all this? The following (more specific) questions might help: Creation How do you participate in bringing order from chaos? What are places, events, or skills in which […]

How did Thomas Paine’s Common Sense help give revolutionaries in the Middle Colonies the courage to declare independence?

Paper details: QUESTION ONE: How did Thomas Paine’s Common Sense help give revolutionaries in the Middle Colonies the courage to declare independence? Focus specifically on the opinions Paine expressed in support of republicanism, equality, and popular sovereignty in his writing, transcribed below. Describe the impact that Common Sense made on the revolutionaries as they prepared […]

What types of firewalls are used and for what purposes? Are intrusion detection and/or intrusion prevention systems present? Who monitors them?

Assignment: Interview a network administrator at your workplace to learn about the type of security controls in place on that network. What types of firewalls are used and for what purposes? Are intrusion detection and/or intrusion prevention systems present? Who monitors them? What different methods are used to protect the networks that operate the organization’s […]

Why do you think it was so important to build such a complex and detailed infrastructure? Why do you believe it to be so important according to Vitruvius to understand other areas of learning to become a better architect?

Explore the Sutori reading in the attachments and engage with the interactive media this will help in your overall understanding of Roman history. Answer one or more: Read about Roman engineering in your text and the resources provided. Why do you think it was so important to build such a complex and detailed infrastructure? Why […]

What must ANY existing rival do in order to succeed? Supplier Power: Is there any power existing on the input side that forces firms to bend to the will of suppliers?

Information for Written Assignment #2 – Due Week 5 Written Assignment #2 Instructions This paper relates to your approved company (from Week 1), and its industry. Research your company and its industry and perform a Porter Five Forces analysis. For this assignment you should acquire a minimum of five separate pieces of APA cited research […]

Choose a pair of nutrients (one mineral and one vitamin) that works together in the body and then answer the following questions: What is a common deficiency disorder of these nutrients? What diet and/or lifestyle factors contribute to risk of deficiency?

Subject: Other   Topic: Week 7 Discussion   Paper details: Choose a pair of nutrients (one mineral and one vitamin) that works together in the body and then answer the following questions: What is a common deficiency disorder of these nutrients? What diet and/or lifestyle factors contribute to risk of deficiency? What diet recommendations could […]

What advice will you give her/him about structuring the new business? What issues should your friend be concerned about in making his/her decision about which business form to create? How does your suggested form successfully respond to the issues confronting your friend?

You have found yourself in the following situation. One of your friends has recently developed an innovative method to preserve and protect leather. The product can preserve leather for five years at a very reasonable cost. Several investors have learned of the product and are asking about investment opportunities. Your friend is very interested in […]

Discuss the history of organized crime in America. Include in your discussion a definition of organized crime; a detailed, thorough example of a criminal organization currently operating in the United States.

Should the American government focus the bulk of its law enforcement resources on fighting organized crime, or counter-terrorism? Research and develop and addresses the following: Discuss the history of organized crime in America. Include in your discussion a definition of organized crime; a detailed, thorough example of a criminal organization currently operating in the United […]