Entries by Donald

How was this relationship demonstrated in the financial crisis of 2008? Which policy-making model or models best describe the federal response to the crisis?

In essay format, provide well-developed responses to the following questions: -How are tax policy, economic policy and political ideology (particularly liberalism and conservatism) related? -How was this relationship demonstrated in the financial crisis of 2008? -Which policy-making model or models best describe the federal response to the crisis? -Were they the best models for dealing […]

Write a 2-4-page academic paper in which you describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking framework to the situation, and recommend evidence-based solutions to the situation.

Write a 2-4-page academic paper in which you describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking framework to the situation, and recommend evidence-based solutions to the situation. Explain how the concepts of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) could affect both the situation and the solution. Introduction Remember that you are writing a paper that […]

What was your personal reaction to the children’s responses to the questions involving gender roles, like cleaning the house and going to work, as well as their reasons?

1.) What were three main points of the assigned article on modifying gender stereotypes? 2.) What is the meaning of androgyny? What are the advantages of raising a child to be androgynous? 3.) What is the meaning of the expression “rigid gender stereotyping?” What is the relationship between rigid gender stereotyping in childhood and subsequent […]

Describe the problem that you will be solving for another company, describing the situation (1–3 paragraphs).

Write a 2-4-page academic paper in which you describe a business situation, apply a critical thinking framework to the situation, and recommend evidence-based solutions to the situation. Explain how the concepts of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) could affect both the situation and the solution. Introduction Remember that you are writing a paper that […]

Describe the major components of the monetary system, including organizations and financial institutions. Describe the currency exchange rates and any significant economic impacts on the exchange rates.

Select a foreign country (Qatar is my choice) and analyze its monetary system. Research the country’s monetary system using at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of three from the Library. Your analysis should be an eight to ten page paper formatted according to APA style guidelines Address the following aspects in your paper: […]

Who is your target audience? Who will benefit most from the information? What is the best way to reach the largest number of people who would benefit from the information?

Topic: Implementing a Clinical Dashboard to Improve Quality Care and Maintain Patient Safety. In this assignment, you will examine the various means for dissemination and determine which would most effectively convey the outcomes of your project. You will then create a plan of action for completing this final stage of your project. Identify the various […]

What are your thoughts about aging for your parents and/or yourself? Are the positive and negative aspects of aging-what are some of them. Share with the group an experience you have had with an older adult.

Perceptions of Aging: Discuss your perception of an older adult. Use the following questions as a tool to help you focus your discussion. What are some of the typical characteristics you would expect to observe? Where did these perceptions come from? What are your thoughts about aging for your parents and/or yourself? Are the positive […]

Examine the manner in which your company’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.

Assignment 2: Challenges in the Business Environment. As you have explored in this course, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Imagine that you have been appointed as the Chief Compliance Officer of a Fortune 500 company and […]

Why was the smell of food important to Melinda? How might her sensitivity to food smells protect the developing fetus?

1.) Based on any information you previously knew about prenatal development, what aspects of the video reaffirmed what you already knew about “making babies”? Be specific. 2.) What pieces of information about conception or development were a surprise to you and why were you surprised? When you consider that some couples have great difficulty “getting […]

What about other members of your family? (Ex: Siblings, etc.) Do they have a right to learn of any genetic problem you or your child may have which would indicate that they might have it as well? Why or why not?

1.) Would you agree to have your infant’s genome included in the studies mentioned in the hypothetical situation above? Why or why not? 2.) What are two possible ethical concerns regarding genome testing? 3.) During the testing, what if the company discovered your child had a gene that might result in a health problem later […]