Entries by Donald

What was the purpose of Parliament and the King creating the Sugar, Stamp, Iron and Quartering Acts? How does this financially impact the results of the French and Indian War?

–What was the Treaty of Tordisillas and what does this have to do with the Pope? How did this impact Spain’s control on the New World? What does this have to do with Brazil and it’s language? How did this Treaty impact England and France? –Compare the Indian uprising in Virginia in 1622 to uprising […]

What principles or rules would you propose we use to balance the value of wildlife species against economic interests? Explain your answer using ethical principles.

1. What are the systemic, corporate, and individual issues raised in this case? Explain your answer using ethical principles. 2. How should wildlife species such as grouse or deer be valued, and how should that value be balanced against the economic interests of a society or of a company like Questar? What principles or rules […]

Discuss when the government and nonprofit organizations would use each of the following funds: Capital projects fund and Debt service fund

For your assignment, discuss when the government and nonprofit organizations would use each of the following funds: Capital projects fund Debt service fund Special revenue fund Go to the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for your state or local government, and find specific examples for the most current year in which each of these funds […]

What are two issues companies might face when supporting virtual teams. Compare and contrast virtual teams and traditional teams with respect to communications, technology use, and team diversity.

Compare and contrast virtual teams and traditional teams with respect to communications, technology use, and team diversity. What are two issues companies might face when supporting virtual teams. Investigate one real-life company that successfully uses virtual teams. What strategies are they using to address the issues you identified.

What use of force policies would you suggest to govern the use of less-than-lethal weapons? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using less-than-lethal weapons?

Identify and describe at least 3 less-than-lethal options that are available to law enforcement. Identify and describe at least 1 new less-than-lethal or nonlethal technology that is currently under development. Make sure to include the following in your paper: What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using less-than-lethal weapons? What are some of […]

What are some of the specific sort of crimes that cyber criminals commit? Research the personality profile of a typical cybercriminal.

Research the personality profile of a typical cybercriminal. Then, respond to the following in discussion: Provide some details about your findings. What are some of the specific sort of crimes that cyber criminals commit? Formulate a policy over what society should do about cyber criminals who operate from foreign countries with whom the United States […]

Discuss this quote: “Earnings can be pliable as putty when a charlatan heads the company reporting them” by Warren Buffett.

1)What are “Gatekeepers” and how are they impacted by conflicts of interest. (slides 5,6,7,8) (1-2 paragraphs) 2)Discuss the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (slides 9,10) (1-2 paragraphs) 3)Discuss the concept of Internal Control (Slides 11,12) (1-2 paragraphs) 4)What are the duties of Board of Directors (slides 15,16) (1-2 paragraphs) 5)Discuss this quote: “Earnings can be pliable as putty […]

What are the proposed advantages of a national identification card? Discuss whether or not personal information, such as medical records, criminal history, or mental health problems should be encoded on such cards.

The events of 9/11 increased calls for the establishment of a national identification system; proponents argue that such a system might have prevented the attacks. Others decry that the adoption of national identity cards would be yet another step down the slippery slope of government surveillance. Explore how national identity cards are used in other […]

Argue in favor of, or against the separation of religion and politics. Do you feel they should be intertwined? Justify, why or why not.

In 650-750 words, please answer one of the following questions. Remember to use evidence and examples to justify your answers. 1) Argue in favor of, or against the separation of religion and politics. Do you feel they should be intertwined? Justify, why or why not. 2) Do you regard the real life application of law […]

What structure will you use and implement? Explain how you will use departmentalization in your organizational structure.

This assignment focuses on how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your workplace. Using the Ashford University Library and other credible online resources, find three Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) that provide information on Amazon.com’s business structure. Here is the scenario […]