Entries by Donald

Describe the teaching/learning dilemma of speed vs accuracy. Why is this concept fundamental to both learning and performance of movement skills?

Answer the following questions. Each question should take 1 1/2 – 2 pages including referencing. Each question must have at least two APA references with corresponding in-text documentation as well. Question #1 You have learned several methods of skill classification. Select a motor skill and classify according to: 1. Environmental predictability 2. Task Organization 3. […]

Explain how organizational theory helps us understand the concept and function of organized crime.

Explain broadly what official investigations into organized crime have told us. Then select one official investigation discussed in the book and explain what specifically it told us, and whether or not what was uncovered helped shape future investigations, and how. Discuss the basic qualifications for membership in an organized crime group. Include whether or not […]

Define and briefly explain the concept of a ‘structural break’. Explain how you could test for the existence of a structural break in personal consumption expenditure after the financial crisis of 2008.

A researcher is trying to model the level of UK personal consumption expenditure i.e. the total amount spent by households on goods and services for consumption. Using quarterly data from quarter 1 1997 to quarter 4 2019, the following regression model is estimated (with t-ratios given below in parentheses): where Ct is UK personal consumption […]

Who might be attracted to the brand they present? Does it speak to a particular generation or a value that may be important to an applicant?

Select 3 companies to research; a for-profit, non-profit and government entity. Your goal is to study their Talent Acquisition process and identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. As part of your analysis, think about the following: This is a contrast and compare assignment.Since you are looking at 3 separate organizations, you may consider using a […]

What does Yoon (2007) find regarding the impact of monopoly on social welfare?Discuss main contributions of each article to the knowledge of price elasticity of gasoline.

Read the attached two peer-reviewed journal articles and develop a 2-3-page essay by addressing the following topics. 1. Provide a brief summary of major findings from each article. 2. Compare and contrast views and perspectives on monopoly discussed in both articles. 3. What does Yoon (2007) find regarding the impact of monopoly on social welfare? […]

Explain Mill’s response to the argument that utilitarianism diminishes human worth in making pleasure the only thing that is intrinsically good.

Explain what the principle of double effect is and why it applies in the lever but not the footbridge version of the trolley dilemmas. Explain the extent to which Kant’s categorical imperative permits one to tell a “white lie”, i.e. a lie based on good intentions. Explain Mill’s response to the argument that utilitarianism diminishes […]

Discuss main contributions of each article to the knowledge of price elasticity of gasoline. What does Yoon (2007) find regarding the impact of monopoly on social welfare?

Read the attached two peer-reviewed journal articles and develop a 2-3-page essay by addressing the following topics. 1. Provide a brief summary of major findings from each article. 2. Compare and contrast views and perspectives on monopoly discussed in both articles. 3. What does Yoon (2007) find regarding the impact of monopoly on social welfare? […]