Entries by Donald

What are the popular BaaS (IBM-Blockchain, Amazon Managed Blockchain) for Enterprise which support Hyperledger fabric protocol that have been used in researches?

Section 1. Introduction (Around 300 words) Blockchain technology in scheduling systems (no need to explain what is Blockchain) Use technologies like the Latest version of Hyperledger Fabric (a permissioned blockchain), Chainstack (Blockchain as a Service), Angular (Web framework as system’s front-end), IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to create a task scheduling and planning system for Satellite […]

Consider these real writing samples from preschool/prekindergarten-aged children.Make a clear and specific plan of how to support them, where you see them going next, and how you as their teacher would further their writing development and literacy knowledge.

Paper details: Consider these real writing samples from preschool/prekindergarten-aged children. Respond to each sample – what does the writing and the context provided tell you about the child’s writing ability, literacy skills, knowledge? Think broadly across a range of writing components and aspects, not just what is obvious. What do you know about the child’s […]

Evaluate the Creation and Discovery contexts of entrepreneurial opportunities. Explain/define opportunity creation and opportunity discovery.

In its broad conceptualization, entrepreneurship involves the nexus of two phenomenon; (1) sources of opportunities and (2) the presence of enterprising individuals who evaluate and exploit these opportunities. With these descriptions of entrepreneurship in mind; Question 1a. Evaluate the Creation and Discovery contexts of entrepreneurial opportunities. As part of your evaluation, discuss any three (3) […]

How have your thoughts about your incoming and outgoing money changed? If they haven’t, what insight could you give to others based on your own experience?

Extra Credit Opportunities (Online Learning) Financial Planning Budget (20 extra credit points) Find your “goal” job and determine the following: o What is the base level salary or hourly wage? Do you feel you have experience to earn more than the base level salary? If so, look to the average (or above) salary Determine the […]

How can the company improve its learning and development to reduce the number of guest complaints and to improve staff morale?

Learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the key theories and models associated with HRM 2. Understand and evaluate the application of activities and practices involved in people management within organisations 3. Analyse the role of line managers and HR professionals in the application and deployment of Human Resource Management tools and practices.   CASE […]