Entries by Donald

Do you think that you should also address other factors like her age, first time pregnancy, etc.? Use your Nurse/health care-Investigator skills and present the facts to her.

Instructions For this Check-Up, your patient is a 43-year-old female. She is 4 months pregnant for the first time, and she never expected to get pregnant as she believed herself to be infertile. She has enjoyed 2 glasses of wine each night her entire first trimester because she read a few articles by some renowned […]

What physical features might lead the captain to consider Peggy O to be pretty? How does the captain suggest to mama that he is an appropriate mate choice?

MBE: Extra Credit Assignment: Using Evolutionary Principles to Explain Cultural Products. Throughout the semester I used cultural products (e.g. movies, tv shows, music) to illustrate key course concepts. Now it’s your turn. For this extra credit assignment I want you to use your knowledge and understanding of evolutionary psychology to tell me exactly how evolutionary […]

What was your assumption or opinion about the course topics before you read/experienced them. and what do you believe were the sources of these assumptions?

Before you begin: This is a reflection journal–mostly written in 1st person. Use Chapters 8-11 to write a 2 page reflection using this as a guide. Reflective journal writing provides students with a theoretically sound, pragmatic form for process thinking and critical reflection on professional practice and professional development. Reflective journal writing is part of […]

What was the dispute about?  Provide background information to the factors that precipitated the dispute if necessary and explain how the dispute unfolded.

Subject: Employment Relations Case Study Instructions Imagine you are working at the FairWork Commission in the office of the President, Justice Iain Ross AO.  Justice Ross has asked you to conduct an analysis of one key industrial dispute that has shaped Australian Employment Relations.  Your analysis will form the basis of a lecture he is […]

Describe how this organization or movement is seeking to care for, protect, and advocate for this population during the pandemic.

Gather information about a population that is particularly vulnerable during the current corona virus pandemic and efforts that are being made to address them. Choose one vulnerable population that is suffering during the corona virus pandemic. Examples could include homeless people, low-wage workers, the elderly, people in prison, people without access to health care, etc. […]

Provide an Individual (1650 words) critical evaluation of the organization sustainability and CSR, alongside the financial performance of a major international corporation of your choice.

Assignment Provide an Individual (1650 words) critical evaluation of the organization sustainability and CSR, alongside the financial performance of a major international corporation of your choice. Guidance: Refer to the lectures provided in the Strategy component of the module where you covered responsible decision making, considering areas such as the concept of the triple bottom […]

What specific changes might you intend to make in your teaching or classroom environment?How do the topics/highlights described validate or invalidate your prior assumptions or opinions?

Before you begin: This is a reflection journal–mostly written in 1st person. Use Chapters 8-11 to write a 2 page reflection using this as a guide. Reflective journal writing provides students with a theoretically sound, pragmatic form for process thinking and critical reflection on professional practice and professional development. Reflective journal writing is part of […]

Explain how implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) can develop solutions to resolve Sleek Motors’ issues with meeting the standards and/or make changes to processes or behaviors.

In this project, you will gain an understanding of the control function in a business setting. You will compare actual performance with standards, and measure the progress toward the organizational goals, addressing any deviations through corrective action. Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment develop measures and assess outcomes against plans and standards to improve organizational […]