Entries by Donald

How did definitions of deviance differ for the actions of prison officials and inmates? What were the various statuses, roles, groups, networks, and hierarchies within the prison?

Film Analysis: The Shawshank Redemption (Castle Rock Entertainment, 1994). Running time is 142 minutes. The film is available through Scheele Memorial Library, public libraries, and online. The purpose of the film analysis is to reinforce sociological concepts and provide you with practice applying one of sociology’s major theoretical perspectives. The story told in The Shawshank […]

What solution(s) do you suggest in order to increase competencies and therefore increase quality educators and quality healthcare outcomes?

The role of the nurse as an educator has been in existence before the premier educator Florence Nightingale exemplified the qualities needed. Why then do you believe this is such a difficult competency for nurses to master? What solution(s) do you suggest in order to increase competencies and therefore increase quality educators and quality healthcare […]

Were the population, sample, and sampling procedures clearly defined in the protocol form? Were any vulnerable population utilized in this study? If so, was inclusion justified clearly?

IRB Components Assignment Due: April 6, 2018 at 2:05 AM – submit on Blackboard (IRB Components Assignment Folder) Instructions: You have been given a mock IRB Human Subjects Review application. Your task is to review the components of the application and determine whether or not there is enough information included within the application to approve […]

Propose a study methodology, including population and sampling, sample size determination, measurement, data sources and data collection methods and analysis.  Explain your choices. 

You are an intern at the CDC.  You have been asked to conceptualize an independent health services research study focused on HIV/AIDS-Related Illness among Hispanic Women living in California.  Your supervisor has given you free reign to conceptualize the study. Conduct a literature review.  List five sources in APA style format. Chose and describe an […]

What are the areas of the course you did not like? What is the single most important thing that you will take away Georgia course. Explain?

1. What are the key areas that shaped your thinWhat is the single most important thing that you will take away Georgia course. Explain?king about the course Literacy Development in Early Childhood. 2. What are the areas of the course you did not like? 3. What surprised you about the course? 4. What surprised you […]

Why is charismatic leadership considered a double-edged sword that requires careful monitoring to avert abuse? Provide two (2) reasons and one (1) original example illustrating this phenomenon.

ASSIGNMENT 04 BU450  Leadership Skills Part A Describe charismatic leadership in your own words. Part B Explain what is meant by the statement that charismatic leaders use active impression management with their followers to support their image. Provide and elaborate on one (1) original example. Part C Access the following article using ProQuest, the Ashworth […]

Distinguish between Differential association theory and Differential identification theory-Name two short comings of the social process theories are: (a) and (b)

(a) Distinguish between Differential association theory and Differential identification theory [1 point]. (b) Name two short comings of the social process theories are: (a) and (b) [1 point]. (c) Give an example of societal imposition of positive label [point 1]. (d) Two reasons is it so difficult to impose positive labels on individuals who were […]