Entries by Donald

Identify the gap to be filled between present level of knowledge or skills against the expected standard. What knowledge and skills will assignees’ need to develop?

IHRM assessment: Training and support programme In-class support and formative feedback Training programme (suggested word count around 1500 words):  Your training plan should help HR professionals prepare and support employees going on the chosen type of international assignment. Type of international assignment your report is dealing with: Who are the employees going on the international […]

Explain how a social scientist would go about investigating the research question you developed. In other words, what would the next steps be if a social scientist were to continue researching your question?

How to Do Well on Progress Check Two You have 7 questions/sections to answer.  These are the 3 from Progress Check One and 4 additional.  I ask that you all follow the same general outline.  This helps when I go to grade your work. Introduction Describe the issue in the social sciences that you have […]

Design a test using different kinds of questions (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, essay question, short answer question etc.).

Assessment brief Assessment task: Assessment plan Weighting: 60% Word count or equivalent: 2,000 words You will apply assessment theories and principles to a practical task relevant to your teaching interests. This assessment covers the following learning outcomes: to critically apply assessment theories and principles to a specific task to further develop practical assessment skills. You […]

Describe what you did in each of the lab activities. Answers should enable a lab report reader to repeat the lab just as you did it – a process known as replication.

This template will enable you to produce a polished Lab Report.  Simply complete each section below, pasting in all your completed data tables, graphs, and photographs where indicated.  Before you submit your Lab Report, it is recommended that you run it through Turnitin, using the student folder, to ensure protection from accidental plagiarism.  Please delete […]

Calculate average collection period, total asset turnover, inventory turnover, and days in inventory.

Using the attached financial statements for Best Buy Co., Inc. complete the financial statement analysis and ratio analysis by answering the questions below. a. Calculate average collection period, total asset turnover, inventory turnover, and days in inventory. b. Assess the activity of the firm, using your calculations in part a, over the four year period. […]

How do literature and the arts cultivate a moral imagination according to Nussbaum? Why is the moral imagination so important to democratic flourishing?

After watching the attached video and reading Chapter 6 ( Cultivating Imaginatioin pg.  95-120) of the Not for Profit book. Your response must be approximately 450 words in length. What I really want to see is sincerity and open-mindedness in your personal reflection and clear engagement with the reading. The papers should be double-spaced, maximum […]

Describe the legislation and what was accomplished. What additional steps need to be taken to continue advocacy for this issue?

Classroom Policies Per Instructor for Peer Responses Responses to peers are a minimum of 100 words (with citations and references per APA Format). All assignments must have citations and references for credit. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.  I expect conversation, rather than drop […]

How does the family become implicated in the postcolonial text (and world/culture)?  If the colonizer/colonized relationship is often seen as parent/child, how does this extend into the text of your choice?

SMALL GROUP TUTORIAL AND DUE DATE SCHEDULE FOR PAPER #2 Week 15 – SGTs Workshop Paper #2 in SGTs (remotely using google docs). Your peer review groups will be the same as those you have been working with in relation to the Blackboard posts.  You will trade papers electronically (using google docs) and provide full […]

Describe how you will divide $25,000 across the three companies (e.g. $10,000 in Company 1, $10,000 in Company 2, and $5,000 in Company 3).

Week 3 Stock Journal This is the first of three stock journal assignments that you will complete during this course. For this assignment, two templates have been provided for your use. In one template, you will enter your chosen companies, the share prices, and the number of shares you will be purchasing given your budget […]