Entries by Donald

Why was Rome so successful in expanding its power and influence throughout Italy, other parts of Europe, and around the Mediterranean?

Select any three (3) questions below answer 2 pages per question: The text of your answers must be double- spaced and typed using Times New Roman font (12-point size) with one-inch (2.54 cm) page margins. Number your answers with the corresponding numbers of the questions as they appear above. Footnote citations for each answer should […]

How does the state, law and policy (state institutions and policies: federal, local, agency, institutional, etc.) impact racial and gender hierarchies in the United States, from the colonial period through the 1990s?

Put together a guide for the paper to go based off of. 3 big points should be hit. No citations needed. Here’s the prompt: How does the state, law and policy (state institutions and policies: federal, local, agency, institutional, etc.) impact racial and gender hierarchies in the United States, from the colonial period through the […]

How has “Social Media” and its platforms helped women of colour to pressurize the beauty industry to become more inclusive?

Dissertation Proposal Draft 2 “An exploration on how social media is changing the beauty industry in regards to the lack of representation of black women shown in advertising ” The cosmetic industry is mainly known for setting the standard of beauty for our society. In spite of this ,the very definition of beauty has remained […]

Write the essay of a maximum 500 words, accordingly to your plan. In addition, cite and reference the given articles in Harvard style.

Brief: Task 1 : Read the provided articles, expressing the opinions of the two authors on a topic of the futuristic industries. Links to articles 1.The new water technologies that could save the planet What are the new and emerging technologies that will help business overcome the scarcity of clean, fresh water https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/new-water-technologies-save-planet. 2 .  […]

Critically analyze the impact of relationship marketing in developing a cohesive and effective strategy to create an effective service.

Assessment Information/Brief To be used for all types of assessment and provided to students at the start of the module. Information provided should be compatible with the detail contained in the approved module specification although may contain more information for clarity. Module title Services and Relationship Marketing Level 6 Assessment title Assignment 2: Case Study: […]

Does your paper have an overarching argument? Do your observations flow smoothly?Did you use in-text citations where appropriate, and were they formatted according to MLA style rules?

I will be providing the Bibliography and the paper outline, so please write the paper according to those documents. Also the grading criteria of the paper is as follows: REQUIREMENTS Your paper must be at least 2000 words. Your paper must be accompanied by an MLA-style bibliography of at least 10 sources. Refer to the […]

Critically examine a range of theoretical approaches to the evaluation of an organization’s strategic position.

Assessment Criteria Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment: · Explore the risks and opportunities confronting strategic leaders in a changing world. · Assess the challenges facing organisations in times of economic growth and recession. · Critically examine a range of theoretical approaches to the evaluation of an organization’s strategic position. Learning Outcomes: […]

Analyse the resources and key competences of the organization to identify a set of Strengths and Weaknesses and identify core competences (key factors that may give the company its competitive advantage).

Applied Corporate Strategy Assessment: Strategic Analysis Report he module is assessed (100%) by an individual Strategic Report (maximum 3,000 words) involving an in-depth, strategic analysis of a large organization. The subject of the report will be decided by the module convenor but students will be able to choose from a list of several examples. Instructions […]