Entries by Donald

Explain what is happening with your primary ratio over the time period you are examining.  Is your ratio increasing—decreasing—trending—describe what is happening to your ratio over this time period.

This week is a little different than the past two weeks. Complete discussion 3 using the financial statements from the firm you have chosen for your AAER paper. Then choose one of the earnings management techniques we have read about (chapters 12 through 18 in the text). Ideally it would be a technique used by […]

Examine whether there is statistically significant difference in the proportion of diabetes cases between the intervention and control groups.

Assessment question for Applied Statistics and Data Analysis for Public Health (MMB725024) The healthy lifestyle dataset provided is obtained from a hypothetical study which was conducted to evaluate a lifestyle health education intervention. The aim of the intervention was to promote healthy lifestyles among university students. Improving health literacy and reducing weight were some of […]

What concerns should the public have with the actions and authority of the NSA? Should there be more oversight on the NSA and if so who? Would they be as effective with more oversight?

Introduction Matthew Aid talks about the history and purpose of the National Security Agency, which, since 9/11, has regularly provided the president with a majority of the information he receives in his daily intelligence briefing. Mr. Aid spoke at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC. This activity follows the Activation Principle where the student […]

Estimate how much you think the target market is willing to pay for your product/service. Is this due to preferences for social responsibility, ethical behavior, or other intangibles?

Write a short paper on Amazon that addresses the following:  Corporate mission and how the new product or service aligns with it.  Defining features of the product(s)/service(s) o How the product will be marketed internally and externally o How the company is differentiating from competition o Alignment of pricing with market position and […]

Discuss government plans to provide stimulus packages in countries of the developed world on one hand and countries of the developing world on the other.

First, we need an introduction section about the topic to layout the foundation. Then, write a section that discusses whether or not coronavirus will cause a global economic recession. If so, then compare it to previous global recessions and provide evidence. After that, Discuss government plans to provide stimulus packages in countries of the developed […]

What are the significant industry trends that could impact your company? Building domestic supply chain.

Strategic positioning is an integral aspect of the potential success of a company. Review the resources regarding Kellogg’s (Decline in Cereal Sales Bites into Kellogg’s Results and Will Kellogg’s Cereal Sales Ever Return to Normal?), and consider the different elements that have played a role in the company’s current position, such What are the most […]

What are the central features of a socialist legal order written out in law—- and what are the similar paragraphs or phrases used in each of the constitutions?

Look at the constitution of 1974 from East Germany and then compare the main provisions of this constitution with the provisions of the following constitution: Cuba What are the central features of a socialist legal order written out in law—- and what are the similar paragraphs or phrases used in each of the constitutions? Use […]

Evaluate not only website text (the words the company publishes) but the context of its message. Does it use diverse visual images on pages other than those specifically discussing diversity?

Business to research: Walgreens In this assignment, your challenge is to determine whether and to what degree a company you select is actually practicing the principles of managing a diverse workforce. The steps associated with this project are as follows: 1. Select a publicly-traded company (preferably one of the Fortune 500) that has a comprehensive […]

Discuss how drugs can lead to named organ This should include drug examples, precise mechanisms of toxicity and diseases caused by the toxic drugs.

Advanced Pharmacology and Toxicology CWK2-In-class essay ALTERNATIVE assessment (1500 words critical review) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Answer ONE question only. Paper is marked out of 100%. Discuss how pharmacogenomics can affect drug elimination and efficacy (and toxicity) using named examples of drugs, genetic variants and mechanisms of action. Describe in detail the pathophysiology of heart failure […]