Entries by Donald

How should governments in advanced industrialized countries respond to the rise of automation?

Choose ONE of the following essay questions: Can boom and bust cycles be prevented in capitalist systems? To what extent are oligarchy and democracy compatible? “Climate change is a global problem, so only global solutions will work to prevent it.” Discuss. Should we be worried about the potential for overpopulation? “Class struggle is being replaced […]

Briefly define the standards you will use for your evaluation of the compliance strategies.Explain your selection of regulated industries and firms.

Compare, contrast and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different corporate strategies for compliance with regulation that is followed by firms in two differently regulated industries. Follow these key guidelines for designing your essay: i. Briefly define the standards you will use for your evaluation of the compliance strategies. ii. Explain your selection of regulated […]

Explain why additional funding for SCDC security initiatives is a wise investment for South Carolina.

Assignment: Essay 9010SWA200329 Why Allocating Additional Funding to the South Carolina Department of Corrections is STILL a Smart Investment for South Carolina Length: 6 pages (NOT including Title and Reference Pages) Spacing: Double-spaced Style: Sources Needed: APA Use page numbers in citations. Must include required sources; can include additional as desired, but must include all […]

Is the sample size appropriate and, where applicable, justified (e.g. aware of concept of statistical power?)

POSTER PRESENTATION Some factors that you should consider when preparing your poster are given below. Title: Does the title suitably reflect the proposed research? Introduction, Aims and Objectives: Is rationale clear, concise? Is there suitable justification for the relevance of the study, and has sufficient background information been provided? Have you investigated whether similar studies […]

What can – and do – school counselors do to assure that all children have an opportunity to develop their talents and skills? How can career counselors support adults in transition?

Follow the instructions EXACTLY!!!! Must use the book as one of the references. NO cover page or abstract. There are two Parts. Answer them separately and label them Part I and Part II My Career Information: Age: 12-15 (Summers) Snack Bar at a pool (where I served hamburgers and hot dogs and ice cream, chips, […]

What claim, if any, does Sarah have against Media Productions Limited and Olivia in regard to the decision to cancel the play?

Assignment Brief : Assignment 2 : Legal Solutions Case Studies You have been given the following case studies to review which represent various legal problems.  The areas of law to be considered contain Company Law; Contract Law and Employment Law.  For each case presented you need to apply and justify a legal solution to the […]

Describe the issue in detail and then give the reader some background. How long have people been working on this? Who is involved in this issue? What has been tried already? What is currently being done about it?

A “white paper” is an informational document written to promote or highlight a topic of interest. These may be considered “marketing papers” since they are used to persuade or entice public opinion. These are not “brochures” but are fact-based, well researched documents which use words, numbers, graphs to persuade the reader. The paper will be […]

What is the creative approach? Consider for example the use of semiotics, colours, typography, humour, celebrity endorsement etc.

Conduct a critical brand analysis of APPLE Inc, underpinned by academic theories, models and industry insight, using: • Secondary data, tables, charts, and diagrams • At least 3 academic theories and models – applied specifically to this case • A selection of references to academic journals, books, trade press, and websites. You should attempt to […]

What do you think is the essence of the disagreement on this issue? What really separates those on the pro side from the con side?

English 102 Exploring a Controversy ESSAY 3 – REFLECTION PAPER (400-600 WORDS, FIRST OR THIRD PERSON) Essay 3 is the final essay in your Exploring a Controversy project. In this paper you will reflect critically on your topic and what you discovered through your research. Developing Your Focus Choose one of the following questions, and […]