Entries by Donald

If one site gives a brand a higher or lower ranking than the other(s), explain the difference with reference to the differences in the criteria, weightings etc. used by the different sites. Which ranking do you find most defensible, and why?

This assignment consists of TWO PARTS. You must complete BOTH parts and include them in a SINGLE document. PART ONE ~ 500 words, weight 5% Topic: Ethical consumption: comparing products, comparing ratings. For this part of the assignment, you will explore “civil regulation” of CSR in practice. Your task is to choose two branded products […]

Identify and analyze the nature of international markets and the forces and drivers that interface with the development and implementation of international business strategy.

Learning Outcomes (LO): -Identify and analyze the nature of international markets and the forces and drivers that interface with the development and implementation of international business strategy. -Demonstrate a critical understanding of both current and extant theories and concepts of strategy formulation and development in the international environment -Critically evaluate the formulation of business strategies […]

Write a report that explains what the minimum spanning tree problem is and how it can be solved with Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm.

Question 4 (25 marks) This question is about spanning trees (Unit 5 Section 2.2.2), minimum spanning trees and Prim’s algorithm (Unit 5 Section 2.4) and assesses your skills in clear and succinct communication, which are required for the last question in the exam. Moreover, explaining a topic to others is a good way to consolidate […]

Discuss how change will be evaluated and how will you know that quality of care has been enhanced. This could include audit measures.

Introduce your chosen change management model/framework. Justify why you have chosen this as opposed to other models. Critically analyze the suitability to your change idea, with reference to literature and good change management theory. There should be some comparing and comparison as a start to analysis. • Consider strategies (from your reading) that will overcome […]

Identify memories of contact with those who were culturally different than you, and your experiences associated with these differences. Be specific.

Social and Cultural Diversity Paper Writing Instructions Overview The Social and Cultural Diversity Paper (1,750-2,000 words) requires the student to identify and reflect on possible personal biases regarding gender, religion, sexual or gender orientation, race, socioeconomic status, disability status, or culture. The purpose of this paper is to raise the student’s personal and professional level […]

Produce documentation to demonstrate how the project was organized and managed professionally and effectively within the team.

BEng (Hons) in Architectural Engineering. Learning Outcomes assessed via this project. 6224BEUG: Architectural Engineering Project 3 LO1 Work as part of a team to critically evaluate the requirements, risks, and implications of a client’s brief for an Architectural Engineering project. LO2 Apply Architectural Engineering technology and management procedures to produce, and evaluate, conceptual designs for […]

What is the current ratio? Do you have enough current assets to meet your current liabilities? Explain. (Refer to page 23. of the Merrill Lynch handout/link)

Healthcare Business Plan Phase – 3 Service Overview This service describes the new service-the benefits and features that you are providing and to whom. It is important to recognize that the benefits may way from customer to customer. Patients may see one value or benefit such as timely clinical intervention, whereas the referral sources may […]

What is holism and how does it link to good care? – attention to psychological as well as physical needs and consideration of social factors influencing needs?

What is good care? What difference does good care make to practice- why is it important? How does communication link to and impact good care? What political and ethical challenges link to good care? – for example the NHS Constitution, the Francis report and the 6Cs of care. What is holism and how does it […]

Examine specific situations in your business case, where various managerial skills and leadership qualities (or lack of them) were demonstrated by company’s top managers.

Purpose of this assessment This assignment is designed to assess the learner’s knowledge of the principles of management and operations, enabling them to identify and use fundamental tools and concepts that incentivise leadership, managerial and operational improvements within organizations, in order to reap business benefits.   Task 1 Scenario You are a student and as […]