Entries by Donald

Is Hardin’s response to Aiken effective, or do you agree with Aiken? Why? Defend your position with argument, examples, and evidence.

Academic argument: Read the following essays: Aiken, William, and Garret Harding. “Lifeboat Ethics? A Letter to Garret Hardin by William. Aiken, and a Response by Garret Hardin.” Bioscience 29.6 (1979): 336. Print. Bizzell, Patricia. “Composition Studies Saves the World!” College English 72.2 (2009): 174–87. Print. 3.Nixon, Rob. “Neoliberalism, Genre, and ‘The Tragedy of the Commons.’” […]

Explain the counseling process (from the beginning to the end) -you would use to manage the case. Include five counseling goals and five counseling interventions (six pages).

NMY FRIENDS DIDN’T MAKE ME BAD” Kay Siang does not blame anyone for his turning to crime. He thinks it was fqted, just like his father being a drug addict. “Perhaps l’m meant to be a thief. ln this world, there are good and bad guys. Maybe I’m the bad guy.” “My mother kept telling […]

Is the workflow surrounding technology usage providing the organization with the data they need to make decisions and eventually meet meaningful use criteria?

Based on the system development life cycle,human-technology interface,overview of the purpose of conducting workflow analysis and design,the waterfall model, rapid application development and interoperability. Answer the following: 1.Is the workflow surrounding technology usage providing the organization with the data they need to make decisions and eventually meet meaningful use criteria? 2.How does current educational preparation […]

Understand minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) and conventional surgeries involved in degenerative mitral diseases by referring to Minimally Invasive Surgical Mitral Valve Repair: State of the Art Review.

Instructions Understand minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) and conventional surgeries involved in degenerative mitral diseases by referring to the following: A meta-analysis of minimally invasive versus conventional mitral valve repair for patients with degenerative mitral disease by Christopher Cao and the 29 references used for that article. Minimally Invasive Surgical Mitral Valve Repair: State of the […]

Describe your preferred conflict-management style (collaborative, competitive, accommodating, avoidance, or compromising) and discuss how it complements your personal leadership theory.

Question given to my peers below. Describe your preferred conflict-management style (collaborative, competitive, accommodating, avoidance, or compromising) and discuss how it complements your personal leadership theory. What types of situations would prompt you to use an alternative conflict management style and why? For Top essay writer – Critique my peers posts below, When responding to […]

How might the economic risks in those two countries impact the company expansion?

INT 315 Module One Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric. Overview: For this assignment, you will identify two global markets of your choice and analyze their economic and political systems for your final project. Using your responses on this worksheet, your instructor will approve your foreign market selection for the final project. Remember that Part I of […]

What percentage of insomnia could be reduced in the population by eliminating energy drink consumption?

Wk8 Study design and validity of causal effect Differences between controlled and quasi-experimental experiments Clinical vs. Community trials Blinding and crossover Ethical aspects of conducting clinical trials Measures of effect-calculation and interpretation Statistical measures of effect   Instructions: Answer the following Epidemiology questions below. If calculations are involved, be sure to show your work for […]

Is the method of sampling clearly pre­sented? Could the way the sample was obtained influence the results?

Questions for the article analysis (Explain or defend your answers using the appropriate relevant chapter knowledge) Is the general purpose of the study clear? Will the study provide a significant contribution? Is the specific research hypothesis or question clearly and concisely stated? Is the method of sampling clearly pre­sented? Could the way the sample was […]

How does the quality of child and adolescent experiences affect a person’s psychosocial well-being later in life?

How does the quality of child and adolescent experiences affect a person’s psychosocial well-being later in life? https://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html#initiative https://courses.lumenlearning.com/teachereducationx92x1/chapter/eriksons-stages-of-psychosocial-development/ Evaluate the current way (s) of educating a) child and b) adolescent. Are there any changes you would like to propose? Support your answer. (I am an English teacher in Thailand teaching students age 12-16/17) Strict […]