Entries by Donald

How are you going to collect data relevant to your research question(s)? In other words: What research methods are you planning to use?

Contemporary Research 2 Research proposal 2000 words 50% of module mark The research proposal will include an introduction, research questions, and identification and consideration of the methodology to be used for the research project which you the student intends to undertake at Level 6 in SOC 6044 Professional Research Project, as well as annotated bibliographies […]

How well does the article satisfy generic conventions? In other words, is it structured in a way that appeals to its  specialized readership?

For this assignment, you will write an essay (750-1250 words) for a general academic audience that evaluates a professional disciplinary science article from your field of study (i.e., your major). In evaluating the article, you should consider its rhetorical effectiveness. That means your essay should work to answer the question, “How persuasive is this article […]

Critically discuss – Would customers’ full knowledge that the sub-brands are both owned by Unilever affect perceptions of the sub-brands and purchase intentions?

Not many Dove customers or Axe customers are aware that both brands are owned by a single (umbrella) parent brand (Unilever), and bonded by the mission statement  – ‘Adding Vitality to Life’. Critically discuss – Would customers’ full knowledge that the sub-brands are both owned by Unilever affect perceptions of the sub-brands and purchase intentions? […]

What vehicles would you recommend to the couple to optimise their financial resources? Explain fully what options the couple have and what your recommendations are.

Host School of the module: Finance and Accounting. Coursework Title James is 35 years old and has recently got married to Jane; the couple have a child, Julie. They live outside London in a property worth £1,000,000, with a mortgage of £400,000. They do not plan to move in the near future. James is paid […]

Is the personal cost too high in terms of the dilemma of dealing with one’s own family issues while trying to meet the time and stress demands of leadership?

Using the books – Focus: Elevating the Essentials for School and District Improvement by Mike Schmoker. and District Leadership That Works: Striking the Right Balance Write a paper giving your answers to the following school leader dilemma questions. The paper should be double spaced, 12 point font, Calibri, one inch margins. For each answer site […]

Critically evaluate the corporate governance structure of Barclays bank Plc and implement the ‘Comply or Explain’ principle of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 in relation to ‘board composition and effectiveness.

Critically evaluate the corporate governance structure of Barclays bank Plc. In your answer, 1 – you are required to examine how Barclays Bank Plc implement the ‘Comply or Explain’ principle of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 in relation to ‘board composition and effectiveness, 2 – The role of board committees, risk management, remuneration and […]