Entries by Donald

Does the review seem thorough and up-to-date? Did it include major studies on the topic? Did it include recent research?

Within your article #1, a good study will discuss how relevant literature was found and analyzed and the data presented within the literature. This is usually done in quantitative studies prior to the start of a study. Interestingly, in qualitative studies, a literature review is done AFTER data collection and is used to support findings […]

Determine any applicable limitations and restrictions causing delays in work production.

Hide Folder Information Instructions As a division director in a very political agency, develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation to inform senior leadership of the managerial challenges you would like to implement at the division level. Imagine your division is affected by the high level of politics within the organizations. Use the STAR (Situation(s), Task, Action, […]

Organize the literature review around themes, theories, trends, or factors that fit the literature review.

1. Write a 15 page literature review on a) how women enterprise leaders manage the tensions of gendered leadership and b) the coping strategies enterprise women leaders employ to navigate the gendered norms of leadership. 2. Organize the literature review around themes, theories, trends, or factors that fit the literature review. 3a. Use at least […]

Explore processes, activities, and events in case study, grounded theory.

Characteristics and Designs The Characteristics of Qualitative Research It is important to: Review the needs of potential audiences for the proposal If there is some question about their knowledge, present the basic characteristics of qualitative research in the proposal and possibly discuss a recent qualitative research Journal article to use as an example. If you […]

Appreciate the common and unique health challenges in an international context, and explore emerging and intensifying global health issues.

CHAPTER 7 INTERNATIONAL HEALTH POLICY ISSUES Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting the progress of the arts and the sciences and a flourishing culture in our land. —Mao Zedong Protecting Health, Saving Lives—Millions at a Time. —Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health LEARNING OBJECTIVES […]

Describe, in detail, the health risks, health crisis, or health promotion issues you will address in your plan.

Course Objectives 4, 5, & 6 DNP Essentials I, II, III, IV, VII, VIII Purpose: Through the use of scholarly formats and multimedia, the student will create a Proactive Health Communication Campaign highlighting communication methods for a specific health topic.  Health Communication Campaigns are used locally and globally to bring attention to health issues, along […]

Describe the role of an organization’s values and mission in assessment of organizational performance.

CHAPTER 8 Quantifying the Quality Performance Gaps INTRODUCTION The objective of this chapter is to lay out a strategic planning framework driven by organizational performance considerations. This framework is based on setting of performance targets and then identification of gaps between the current status and the performance targets. In contrast to the conventional finance-centered planning process, […]

Develop a 98% confidence interval estimate of the population mean sales price and population mean number of days to sell for Domestic cars. What is the margin of error?

Option #1: Critical Thinking: Cars An expert who works for a car magazine obtained random data (rounded to the nearest thousand) among two categories of used or new cars: Domestic Foreign The expert would like to understand sales based on list price (rounded to the nearest thousand dollars), sale price (rounded to the nearest thousand dollars), […]

What do these three proportions tell you about customer satisfaction at A1 hotels? What graphical displays of data would you use to understand or explain the results of the survey?

Option #1: Critical Thinking: Quality at A1 Hotels A1 Hotels operates luxury hotels throughout the world. Recently, motivated by some incidents that appeared in the news, they have been concerned about the quality of service. The company has been giving the following survey to its clients after their stay: How would you rate the quality of […]