Entries by Donald

What is the underlying theory? Describe the underlying theory/ies that is directly related to your research question, i.e., why X causes Y and through what channels the causality takes place.

The impact/effect of electric vehicles on automotive industry.   Does electric vehicles have an impact on the automotive industry? Will it cause changes to the automotive industries ecosystem?  Which includes manufacturers, end customers and government regulations. Electric vehicles                                 Automotive industry         Why is this question important? (i.e. the motivation of the […]

What is the prevalence rate, any culture and/or gender-related diagnostic issues, functional consequences, and comorbidity for this particular diagnosis?

ADDICTIONS CASE STUDY INSTRUCTIONS – PART 2 The Addictions Case Study assignment is designed to help you make application of course content to a potential counseling situation. The assignment is divided up into three parts: Part 1 – Case Conceptualization; Part 2 – Diagnostic Impressions; and Part 3 – Treatment Plan. For Part 2 – […]

Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated speech.

Class/Subject:  Spanish I   Multiple Intelligences: Visual-Spatial, Verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal.   Performance Objective: My goal for the students today is  to conjugate the verb ir. I know they will be successful when students can talk, read and write about where they and others go.   NGSSS Standard(s): WL.K12.NM.4.1: Provide basic information about self and […]

What point will you be making that supports your thesis?What scholarly research will you use as evidence to support your point?

Sociology 2010: Research Paper Outline Weight: 5% Purpose The research paper outline requires project groups to generate a preliminary argument, map the sections of their research paper, identify key readings, and assign responsibilities among the project group. Assignment Details Research paper outlines should include the following elements: A clear thesis statement that reflects the question […]

Using empirical evidence, critically discuss the mechanisms thought to contribute to dieting failures.

Applied Exercise and Health Psychology ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS   Detailed Assessment Guidance The coursework task requires you to research the evidence base for each topic area and then answer five (from the choice of 7) questions academically, critically and concisely. Each answer should be followed with the appropriate reference list (not included in word count). All […]

What were the causes of the British American War for Independence? What happened to lead many subjects to rebel against their government?

1. What were the causes of the British American War for Independence? What happened to lead many subjects to rebel against their government? How did the rebels gain their independence despite being outmatched militarily on land and on the sea? 2. Who gained and who lost as a result of British-American independence? 3. What were […]

Interpret financial information in relation to a company’s mission and vision for aligning recommendations to attain strategic goals.

Prompt: For this assignment, you will place yourself in the role of a controller as you review the Starbucks case study and apply your knowledge and understanding of accounting principles to resolve issues and formulate recommendations. You will present this milestone in the form of a report. You will receive feedback on each milestone, with […]

Discuss this paradox and provide a substantiated argument as to whether or not it is the leader or it is the context.

Paradox – One of the oldest and most debated paradoxes is the fascinating debate as to whether history is shaped by heroic change agents or whether leaders and their followers are primarily and more decisively shaped by their times by events, and by the economic, social, and physical circumstances in which they live.” (Cronin & […]