Entries by Donald

Determine two leadership theories and two leadership styles that support the definition of a public leader. Provide a rationale for your response.

Determine two leadership theories and two leadership styles that support the definition of a public leader. Provide a rationale for your response. Discuss the differences, if any, between successful leaders in public, private, and nonprofit organizations. Cite experiences and research to support your assertions. Some think leadership is a born ability. Some think leadership can […]

What are some of the difficulties for policy change, especially in the case of gun control? Why is change in policy so difficult? Has there been change in gun policy at the federal level?

Watch the video coverage of Obama’s speech after the Connecticut school shooting and address the questions below. Obama Addresses the Nation, Gun-Policy Change (Links to an external site.) Obama Addresses the Nation, Gun-Policy Change. What are some of the difficulties for policy change, especially in the case of gun control? 2- Why is change in […]

Select ONE of the Required Assignment Topics below for the focus of your assignment: Hypertension or Anxiety or Depression or Time Management or Smoking Cessation

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as an educator. You are to prepare a patient scenario based on the required assigned topic. You will choose an already developed and reliable mHealth app to use in the education of your patient. Required Assignment Topic Select ONE of the […]

Correlation does not prove cause and effect.  Keeping that statistical truth in mind, what reasons could theoretically be put forward to explain the correlation of less suicide among people with more religious involvement?

Correlation does not prove cause and effect.  Keeping that statistical truth in mind, what reasons could theoretically be put forward to explain the correlation of less suicide among people with more religious involvement? Provide three reasons along with your rationale why they should be considered. You manage 50 employees. Two of your employees are Muslim […]

What is naloxone, its brand name, and its intended use?  List 5 medications that naloxone can reverse. What medication class do these medications fall under?

What is naloxone, its brand name, and its intended use? List 5 medications that naloxone can reverse. What medication class do these medications fall under? What are 3 key points for a nurse to understand about naloxone? What are 5 signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose? What will happen to a client that is […]

What purpose does leadership serve, and why is it an integral part of an organization? Examine one leadership theory that you find the most compelling, and discuss specific components (characteristics) that you feel are the most important, and why.

“The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of leadership and its importance to an organization. In addition, transformational leadership will be discussed, as well as the potential benefits of this theory within an organization.” “The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of an ethical climate within an organization, and […]

Name several other costs of the industrial food system, which end up making the food cheaper for you to buy.Why is food produced through polyculture so expensive? Is it worth it?

What is the financial cost (more vs. less expensive) to you of food from the industrial food system? food from the organic industrial system? food produced by polyculture farming? Name several other costs of the industrial food system, which end up making the food cheaper for you to buy. Why is food produced through polyculture […]

What are some of the particular needs of older adults? Are they different for rural population as opposed to urban ones? Immigrant populations? What kinds of variations are there within the aging population?

Identify the Issue – What are some of the particular needs of older adults? Are they different for rural population as opposed to urban ones? Immigrant populations? What kinds of variations are there within the aging population? Impact – What kind impact does an aging population have on economic structures, healthcare systems, the role of […]

Discuss why some ideologies have been historically successful and others have not. Be sure to give historical examples to back up your claims. You are using historical examples to prove why one ideology has been successful and others have not.

Discuss why some ideologies have been historically successful and others have not. Be sure to give historical examples to back up your claims. You are using historical examples to prove why one ideology has been successful and others have not. For example, you may claim that Liberalism is the most successful ideology because of the […]

Assess how people interact on Facebook by studying wall post (or, if you don’t have Facebook, use other public posts). List here the focus of three wall post. Describe how individuals responds back.

Assess how people interact on Facebook by studying wall post (or, if you don’t have Facebook, use other public posts). List here the focus of three wall post. Describe how individuals responds back. Can you characterize the kinds of themes, issues, and debates that go back and forth in wall post? Are there certain implicit […]