Entries by Donald

What do I understand by the working alliance and how does this understanding enhance my integrative practice?

Essays to be 4000 words (+/- 10%) excluding titles, subheadings, quotes and references (footnotes & appendices are not permissible) Essay 1 What do I understand by the working alliance and how does this understanding enhance my integrative practice? Essay Descriptor: At a minimum, you will need to: Refer to your understanding of what is meant […]

Critically evaluate and select appropriate research in the area of learning organizations to inform practice.

a) Assessment criteria for each task Your portfolio will consist of 4 tasks: Assessment task Learning outcomes covered   Task 1 – Context (@ 1,000 words) Brief account of the role of mentoring/coaching, your school context and specific problems/issues/challenges in developing leadership in others. Brief account of your role, interests and concerns in relation to […]

Examine the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors, and possibly the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics, as well.Identify the various and specific codes related to your case.

For your initial post to this discussion, complete the following: Find at least one article that describes evidence-based school interventions related to the elements of your scenario. Find at least two articles related to interventions appropriate for individual or group counseling and connected to your theory of choice. Find at least one article that discusses […]

Conduct a close reading of the article, keep detailed notes on the author’s thesis, and sources of evidence.

This essay assignment (2-3 pages) is intended to foster your information and data literacy by asking you to compare and contrast an author’s argument about an historical figure or trend that differs from prior interpretations and assumptions discuss in Spring, J. (2018). The American school, a global context: From the Puritans to the Trump Era. […]

Provide a detailed description of the activities leading to achieving the objectives identified, including your rationale behind their selection, their sequence, and your reasoning behind why these methods may work.

IV. Planning Provide a comprehensive program plan that includes its objectives (that is, measurable improvements in behavior, performance, process, or a tangible item that will result from your program); ethical and legal considerations and their anticipated effect on healthcare reimbursement, policy, and governance; anticipated issue-related outcomes and your plan to address them; how your identified […]

Reducing maternal mortality due to sepsis in Uganda: What would you propose to do with this money? A detailed justification of your spending is required.

PBL 1: Reducing maternal mortality due to sepsis in Uganda. Despite significant investment, much from oversees Aid, maternal mortality rates in Uganda have barely declined in recent years and remain amongst the highest in the world. This failure is particularly frustrating given that a WHO blueprint for reducing maternal morbidity and mortality based on provision […]

Explain your position on this issue and provide evidence to support it.

Identify a current policy or political issue in the current news (within 2-4weeks). Describe the issue and its potential impact on any aspect of healthcare. Explain your position on this issue and provide evidence to support it.  Include ethical, economic, and (nursing) practice perspective. What can you do and how can you do it? Offer […]

How significant is DNA evidence in determining the outcome of modern court cases? Explain in detail.

U.S. REFERENCES, NO TITLE PAGE PLEASE. Include FORENSIC BIOLOGY. Assignment Details; DNA profiling is used in other kinds of court cases besides just criminal cases. Other cases in which DNA profiling is used are custody, paternity, estate settlement, hair analysis, forensic IT, and many more. Because of the information contained in a single sample, it […]

What are the characteristics of the key concepts or the main factors or variables?

Dissertation 2019‐2020 – Gheorghe Multescu. Assignment 1 – Interim Research Paper Contents This element of assessment comprises the submission of a Interim Research Paper that provides an introduction to the research methodology, the theoretical framework and the literature review for the study area. What is an Interim Research Paper? Full details of the contents of […]