Entries by Donald

What do we already know in the immediate area concerned? What are the characteristics of the key concepts or the main factors or variables?

Assignment 1 – Interim Research Paper Contents This element of assessment comprises the submission of a Interim Research Paper that provides an introduction to the research methodology, the theoretical framework and the literature review for the study area. What is an Interim Research Paper? Full details of the contents of the Interim Research paper are […]

Evaluate a variety of management skills and select those appropriate to marketing payroll services.

Understanding customers and clients Construct a marketing plan for the payroll function within your organization. The plan should consider aspects such as, benefits service expertise, communication method, human resource implications and service standards together with the personal skills necessary to implement such plan. Learning outcomes: Evaluate a variety of management skills and select those appropriate […]

Conduct critical analysis of information related to change and suggest improvements so that responsible effective management is carried out.

Assessment Information This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes: This assignment is an individual assignment. The assignment requires you to use the case study provided on the Moodle webpage: Abdullah and Siti-Nabiha (2012) Leadership and Change Management: A Case Study of Pemancar. ▪ Critically evaluate at least 2 diagnostic models and apply 1 to […]

Explain the various strategies used to promote qualitative research validity, trustworthiness, and rigor.

Write responses to each of the 5 questions listed below: 1. Give one example each of issues/problems that could be answered using a qualitative research design in the following areas: A. nursing practice B. nursing education C. nursing leadership 2. What topics are better suited for phenomenological or grounded theory or ethnography? Provide rationale and […]

Explain the impact/and argue the impact of Ferguson´s `principles and theories on leadership and management.

Modify and add elements of the document of Literature review attached below which are the following: 1. Explain Ferguson’s biography /background. 2. Explain the impact/and argue the impact of Ferguson´s `principles and theories on leadership and management. 3. Compare and analyze the traditional principles of Leadership and management with Ferguson´s. 4. The Contribution of Ferguson’s […]

Conduct a situational analysis of the organizations current internal and external marketing environment.

1. Conduct a situational analysis of the organizations current internal and external marketing environment. 2. Provide evidence of your analyses either as appendices or in the body of the report, remembering to reference all evidence. 3. From the analysis, critically analyze the internal factors and external factors, discussing how they impact on the organizations marketing […]

Critically reflect on socio-cultural factors that may impact on the development of children’s language.

Carry out a detailed language observation on a child age 3 preschool engaging with a practitioner. Analyze the developing speech and language recorded, drawing on relevant theory, government initiatives and frameworks to support their work. Reflect on the key issues that affect children’s language and communication. Give a critical evaluation of the role of an […]