Entries by Donald

Is this business creating a breakthrough technology and/or providing an offering which will disrupt the current market?

Business Plan Content Clarity is important for your business plan – always view it from an investor’s point of view, they know nothing about your business and they are approaching it for the first time. Richard Ballard, Zero Carbon Food Business Plan Content I Version: September 2015 Zero Carbon Food £580,810 raised from 482 investors […]

How can social work play an even greater part in improving adult mental health services and achieve better service user, family and community outcomes?

The Role of the Social Worker in Adult Mental Health Services Dr Ruth Allen, Chair of the Mental Health Faculty, The College of Social Work The Role of the Social Worker in Adult Mental Health Services_ April 2014 Page 1 of 39 Preface Lyn Romeo Chief Social Worker for Adults As a profession, social work […]

From and organizational perspective, what resources do minority-led organisation need to be better supported in obtaining grant funding?

Federal and Corporate Funding Gaps in HIV/AIDS Resources for Small Non-Profit and Grass Roots Latinx Organizations in the Deeps South Few resources exist that are centered on the Latinx community to address their unique experiences, including bilingual and culturally-tailored messaging, resources, and services related to HIV/AIDS. Research Questions: What is resources are currently available to […]

What is the difference between the current state and the desired state of the operational environment?

DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE A digital version of this CALL publication is available to view, download, or reproduce from the CALL restricted website, <https://call2.army.mil>. Reproduction of this publication is welcomed and highly encouraged. Common Access Card (CAC) or Army Knowledge Online (AKO) login is required to access the digital version. Military Decisionmaking Process MILITARY DECISIONMAKING PROCESS […]

Is there an aesthetic of sports photography?

The role of photography in sports journalism and media Student ID: K1719648 Module: CHS The role of photography in sports journalism and media Introduction Lists of iconic sporting photographs are commonplace on websites like Buzzfeed and other resources that rank cultural artefacts. Among the most frequently cited great sporting photographs include the footballer Diego Maradona […]

What are some characteristics that both stories and characters have in common?                            

HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY Department of Comparative Literature, Languages & Linguistics (CLL188, Psychoanalysis and Literature) Prompt FINAL EXAM:  THE OEDIPAL COMPLEX In D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers (1913) and Neil Jordan’s The Miracle (1991), the Oedipal Complex is introduced in the compelling framework of a coming of age novel of a boy’s relationship to his mother; […]

Why do people like attending Flume music event?

Ethics Decision Tool: http://www.training.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/uom/ERM/ethics_decision_tool/story_html5.html Paste a screen shot of the decision from this here I consent to completing this survey                                         o Q1. What is your gender? Male                                                                                                      o Female.                                                                                                o Q2. What is your race? White                                                                                                    o Black or African American                                                             o Hispanic                                                                                               o Asian                                                                                                     o Native […]

Will your study be a qualitative or quantitative study? Or a systematic review, including meta-analysis?

Dissertation Topic Choice Form What is your dissertation topic? Legalization of Euthanasia in the United Kingdom; can sufficient measures be established to prevent the fears that current legislative frameworks will be incapable of preventing the practice of involuntary euthanasia? A qualitative exploration What is / are your research questions? If euthanasia were to be legalized […]

o What role do genetics and heredity play in the development of autism spectrum disorders?

In 3–4 pages, analyze an author’s position on a relevant topic in psychology by explaining the author’s position, the assumptions and arguments made by the author, and identifying the supporting evidence used by the author. Use valid professional and scholarly research in support of or in opposition to the author’s arguments. Welcome to your second […]