Entries by Donald

Should I buy or sell stock in this company?

MUALN LEE: TERM PAPER INSTRUCTIONS This Announcement will be the guidance that you need in order to complete the term paper assignment. In brief, you need to pull the latest Def 14a report and the latest 10k report from the Edgar database for the company that you have chosen. The Edgar database is compiled by […]

How do changes in human material culture (i.e., tools, art, etc.) reflect changes in human cognitive abilities over time?

Throughout evolution humans have relied on material tools in order to function daily living and survival conditions. Adaptation of technical strategies can be depicted to impact the advancement of neurocognitive development in Homo sapiens. Indeed, it plausible that active cultural and tool engagement has promoted certain psychological mechanisms to evolve towards the continuing present day […]

Are helicopters the ultimate in overindulgence or do they serve a legitimate purpose in the aviation industry? 

Question 1: which manufacturer is better suited for the future of aviation?  Why? Watch the videos provided below and provide 1-2 pages response with the appropriate citations from the provided material BELOW to support your argument.  (Please use APA intext Citation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlIdzF1_b5M&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlOq5MJr2LM&feature=emb_logo https://osu.instructure.com/courses/60540/modules/items/2839946 Question 2: Are helicopters the ultimate in overindulgence or do they serve […]

What should you do when your oven is on fire?

I attend a plan event, ” MONEY SMART SEAWOLVES WORKSHOPS: WHY IS CREDIT SO IMPORTANT. ” It took place in Humanities,1003 on Wednesday, September 11. The lecture was host by one of the staff who was a specialist in credibility. At first, the instructor introduced the basic concept of credit and essential factors of having […]

What are the strengths of her argument? What are its weaknesses? Be sure to cite evidence from the book to make your case.

Prompt: In the “Mind Fixers” by Anne Harrington, she argues that not only did the “biological revolution” in 1980s American psychiatry not rest on fundamental new biological understandings of mental illness and fail to deliver on its promises, but it also created a highly distorted view of the history of psychiatry in since the late […]