Entries by Donald

Why a government-guaranteed housing entitlement is unnecessary?

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rhpd20 Download by: [Harvard Library] Date: 21 November 2016, At: 12:45 Housing Policy Debate ISSN: 1051-1482 (Print) 2152-050X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rhpd20 Comment on Chester Hartman’s “The case for a right to housing”: Housing is a right? Wrong! Peter D. Salins To cite […]

Is the Federal Reserve more likely to implement expansionary policy or contractionary policy?

Changes in the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy have been directly affecting the U.S. economy that includes the financial institutions and markets. For this Final Paper, select one large U.S. financial institution/intermediary (e.g., a commercial bank, an investment bank/company, an insurance company, or any other financial institution) to evaluate how changes in the Federal Reserve’s monetary […]

Describe postmodernism and make a distinction between modernism and postmodernism

Postmodernism This module focuses of a postmodern perspective in educational research. Additionally, it offers the students the opportunity to reflect on the theories examined in the previous model and contrast different concepts. Upon completion of this module, you will be able to: Describe postmodernism and make a distinction between modernism and postmodernism Explain the differences […]

How does hazards and safety training influence learning and performance?

The Dread Factor: How Hazards and Safety Training Influence Learning and Performance Michael J. Burke Tulane University Rommel O. Salvador University of Washington Tacoma Kristin Smith-Crowe University of Utah Suzanne Chan-Serafin University of New South Wales Alexis Smith and Shirley Sonesh Tulane University On the basis of hypotheses derived from social and experiential learning theories, […]

Discuss the motives behind the adoption and diffusion of business excellence models in public/private sector organizations in the UAE or wider context of the MENA region.

Principles of Business Excellence Course Code: QLTY623 Assessment Strategy FINAL EXAM Final Exam (Week / Session 16 – 50% of the course grade): This is the final element of the course assessment and accounts for 50% of the final mark. The Final Exam is a sit-in physical exam. The final exam would be in form […]

Should professional sport leagues have an antitrust exemption?

SPM 6726 Short Paper Paper Topic Option 1: More and more schools (high schools and colleges) are creating social media rules and policies, particularly for student-athlete that define how students can use social media and what they can and cannot say on social media. Do social media policies violate a student’s 1st Amendment rights? Use […]