Entries by Donald

How does architecture inform function and how people use the space?

Institutions are the way through which society organizes the chaos of existence into a manageable order. Institutions are cultural expressions and architecture can provide the frame that shapes our experience of the distinctions that define institutional activity and meaning. Identify an Institution. select a building that embodies an institution such as religion, educational, government, law, […]

How could you use operant conditioning to change the less desirable behavior into the desired behavior?

Critical Reasoning Essay Prompts Choose any one from the following essay prompts. 1) Neural Pathways Choose any neural pathway you feel passionate about like the visual pathway, auditory pathway, olfactory pathway, etc., and describe how the pathway travels from the stimuli through the nervous system. Then, explain how the environment (experiences) may have an effect on […]

What is being done to reverse the negative effects of these shocks? What lessons have we learnt?

A 2,500-word research analysis paper. Summarize the main issues found within the international financial marketplace credit crisis of 2008. Identify the cause of the domino effect and how it rippled through the different international financial markets ultimately causing a decline in investor and consumer confidence, a reduction in available credit and industrial production and a […]

Does sensitivity to configure/featural differences in upright faces/houses predict self-reported face recognition ability?

Correlation Lab Report – data to be run on SPSS using one tailed pearson, scattergraphs for each correlation to be included Facial recognition; Does sensitivity to configure/featural differences in upright faces/houses predict self-reported face recognition ability? Main Hypothesis we are testing: Configural sensitivity towards upright faces predicts self reported face recognition ability Featural sensitivity towards […]

What methods to slave owners use to restrict access to education or use their own warped systems of education to maintain control over slaves?

Paper Assignment Using an argument that is either raised in Douglass’ My Bondage and My Freedom or that you have come up with after reading the book, you will be creating a thesis and using specific examples from both his autobiography and the other course materials to support your argument. A big part of the […]

Describe a recent trend in the macroeconomic indicator or policy. Include a graph, chart, or table that illustrates the observed trend.

Use Microsoft Word to prepare a Final Report that is a minimum of two to three (2-3) pages long in which you: 1. Introduce your selected industry with a brief one-paragraph introduction. Refer to the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) to review the details about your industry. 2. Assess your selected industry’s relative size […]

Discuss briefly the suitability of the pumped material for the construction of the proposed recreation centre based on your results.

UBGMUQ-15-2 – Soil mechanics Soil Mechanics Coursework Brief 2019-20 1 Soil Mechanics Coursework (CW) Brief 2019-20 Introduction This brief provides a detailed breakdown of how to evidence the learning outcomes, guidance on how to present your presentation and the marking criteria. Please take care to read through the whole brief and address each task in […]

What did they find? How are their findings significant? Do they align their findings with what they presented in the introduction?

PSY 2230E Adolescent Development ONLINE Fall 2019 Article Summary Assignment This assignment meets Course Learning Outcome 3 of 4: Given a prescribed format, students will read and summarize an adolescent development research article. Bloom’s Taxonomy Requirements: Comprehension, Analysis, Evaluation APA Standards Addressed: -Identify principal methods and types of questions that emerge in specific content domains. […]