Entries by Donald

Are Today’s Business Heroes Challenging Our Ideas about Leadership? What do you think?

Leadership and organizational behavior (MBA) Fall 2019-2020 Group Project 2 + Presentation (20%) In an article namely: Are today’s business heroes challenging our ideas about leadership? Published in Harvard Business School website by James Heskett. Heskett has raised the issue of how the leadership style of the three very well-known leaders of high-tech companies: Bill […]

Can an organisation be described as successful if is not ethical? What can the organisation in your case study do to protect itself against unethical behaviour?

1 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Assessment Coursework Report (Final) Assessment code: 010 Academic Year: 2019/20 Trimester: 1 Module Title: Academic and Professional Skills Module Code: MOD003325 Level: 4 Module Leader: Louise Hadley Weighting: 70 (%) Word Limit: 2000 words This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf Assessed Learning Outcomes […]

What are/do you think are the dimensions of organizational structure and how do these relate to the environment?

ORGANIZATION THEORY (MGMT A477) Please answer ALL questions. You may refer to the textbook and related slides before composing your response to each question. Please restrict each answer within 200 words. You must provide examples to exemplify the quality of your responses. Please type your answers as clearly as possible. You must avoid spelling and […]

Explain the process of writing prescriptions, including strategies to minimize medication errors.

Think about two strategies that you, as an advanced practice nurse, would use to guide your ethically and legally responsible decision-making in this scenario, including whether you would disclose any medication errors. Explain the ethical and legal implications of the scenario you selected on all stakeholders involved, such as the prescriber, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s […]

Critically evaluate strategies for the eradication of such biases, and for establishing recognition of differences and inclusion within the curriculum.

Item #1 – Equality of Educational Opportunity Topic:  Discuss the issues surrounding the so-called “feminization of poverty,” and the impact of this process on equality of opportunity for education. Format: approx. 2100 words Sources: Number of sources: 10 Please ONLY use academic sources and also refer to course readings: Gaskell, J. (1993). Feminism and Its […]

What statistical test should be used to analyze these data?

1.     A college student is interested whether there is a difference between male and female students in the amount of time spending working out each week. The student gathers information from a random sample of male and female students on her campus. Amount of time spend working out is normally distributed. The data […]

hat type of strain or challenges does storing all of this data for processing pose to the organization. What are some of the solutions?

Mid Semester Paper Instructions: Within 5-7 pages, please give your thoughts on the “Clinical Information & Health Information Exchange: Two Technologies Come Together at the Moment of Need” article.  Regardless of your position, please use research and data to support your thoughts on the topic.  Please incorporate different research topics and information we have covered […]

Florida animal portfolio:Describe adaptive strategies that relate to development of the young.

Florida Animal Portfolio   Guidelines: Student will photograph 25 different animal species. (insects, spiders, birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, snails, etc.) Identify the animal by common name AND scientific name. Show geographical distribution of the animal. (include migratory behavior if relevant) Describe the general habitat that the animal is commonly found. Describe adaptive strategies of the […]