Entries by Donald

What was an example of a recent challenge and the steps taken to produce results for this leader?

Students will conduct an interview with a leader or manager in an organization. Examples of leaders or managers to interview are a university official, a politician, a community service volunteer, a manager, an executive team member or an entrepreneur. After their interview, students will write a seven- to eight page, double-spaced paper synthesizing the results […]

What is the difference between Muir’s “sublime” and Vera Cruz’s emphasis on “survival”? How does this relate to his journalistic/fact-based style of writing?

Week 4 Critical Response: Philip Vera Cruz Focus on TWO of the discussion questions below. Find evidence from the text in the form of quotes and summaries and key words to explain your analysis and evaluation of the text. Explain how your two questions are related. 4.How does Vera Cruz come to understand the American […]

How might you make use of this tool in your own work as a digital humanist?

In approximately 600-800 words, briefly discuss the Tableau software we used in the Data Visualization workshop, considering in particular its uses and limitations when it comes to dealing with humanities data (remember Johanna Drucker’s essay on graphical display in the humanities! (Links to an external site.)). Make sure to answer all the following categories: (do NOT skip a single question!!!!) briefly […]

How does modern scholarship interpret print culture? How do other authors support, refine, or dispute Eisenstein’s concept of “print culture”?

Essay Guidelines Based on your reading of at least four texts from the course syllabus, including at least one of Eisenstein, Johns, and Sherman, write an 8-10 page (double spaced) essay answering any one of the below questions: 1. How does modern scholarship interpret print culture? How do other authors support, refine, or dispute Eisenstein’s […]

What Does the Future Hold for Architecture?How do you think homes or living spaces will be designed in the year 2050?

What Does the Future Hold for Architecture? In addition to the rapid development of building techniques, one way in which technological change is affecting architecture is through the interaction between architects and the potential occupants and users of the spaces they create. Watch Marc Kushner’s TED talk on the role of social media in architecture then consider […]

How might Western missionaries respond to Zhang’s analysis of the relationship between Christian beliefs and Chinese beliefs?

Asia for Educators| Questions: 1. How does Zhang bring Christianity and Confucianism together? 2. Compare Zhang’s writing with Han Yu’s essay on the Bone of the Buddha. In what ways are the two similar? What might account for the similarity? 3. How might Western missionaries respond to Zhang’s analysis of the relationship between Christian beliefs […]

Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration:Which is better to work for? Which offers workers the better opportunity to better yourself?

This week let’s discuss integration. First, name a company the practices horizontal integration. Describe the structure. Now do the same for a company vertically integrated. In your opinion, which is better to work for? Which offers workers the better opportunity to better yourself? Now, if you owned the business, which would you implement? Think again […]

Did their experience mirror yours in any way? Can you offer any advice or suggestions?

Breaking With Tradition: Reading The Modern World Twine Workshop To Do This Week Play: Neon Grey, https://neongrey.itch.io/pet-that-cat Do: Twine Workshop Discuss: Complete the workshop Overview We have looked at the distinction between games and interactive stories, the mechanics of how they work, and some of the theory behind the genre known as “interactive fiction.” Now […]