Entries by Donald

Does William of Rubruck’s account show another side to Mongol culture different from what one might see solely from considering the way they waged war?

Sources: Escaping the Mongols: A Survivor’s Account from the 13th Century” http://www.medievalists.net/2018/01/escaping-mongols-survivors-account-13th-century/ “William of Rubruck’s Account of the Mongols” https://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/texts/rubruck.html Instruction: Through roughly 70 years of military campaigning, the Mongols established the largest contiguous land empire in world history. As the historian Morris Rossabi explains, because of the speed and ruthlessness with which they did […]

The ADA requires “reasonable accommodations.” First, in your own words, what does this mean? What must an employer do?

You must do your own work and use Turnitin. I will not accept any paper that has 25% or more “similarity.” See Syllabus. I will also not accept papers that fail to properly cite to sources. Like all papers you’ll submit, formatting is: 1” margins all around, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. No headers, […]

Legal Research Methods and Project: Demonstrate an awareness of the ethical issues related to your legal research.

Assignment Brief As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Legal Research Methods and Project dissertation. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able […]

How could the monopolist increase profits even further? What is the maximum possible profit achievable in this market, and how can it be achieved?

ECON0002: Economics Term 1, 2019-20 Assignment 7 Please note that this assignment should be submitted using the relevant Turnitin link on Moodle. Before you do so, you will need to complete the Self-Evaluation Survey. COMPLETE ALL MCQs IN UNIT 7 OF THE E-BOOK. In preparation for this tutorial, you should complete ALL the multiple choice […]

Discuss the results of the genomic DNA comparison?  How many sequence differences did you find between the parents?  How many between the parents and child?

Writing Your Genetics – Short Report without a Draft Genetics Section of BIO 375 For the second half of the semester you will be writing a Short Report on your findings from the studies completed in the lab.  This report will not include a draft. When is the Short Report without a Draft due? Please […]

In what ways does gender affect pupils’ educational experiences and outcomes?

Assignment 2 (2,500 words) You should include a range of sources for each key point as this demonstrates that you have considered different perspectives and it strengthens your argument. Choose one question. Outline how poverty and deprivation can affect educational outcomes, and, by referring to relevant research and appropriate evidence, critically reflect on the ways […]

How does this person’s work differentiate? Are there any particular themes in terms of work produced and how has the work evolved through the designer’s career?

INTRODUCTION This unit aims to introduce you to your course and its subject specialism as well as to effective learning and studentship at undergraduate level. It will orientate you to the practices and knowledge-base needed to understand your discipline and help you to develop your skills for independent & collaborative learning, reflection and your own […]