Entries by Donald

Assess at least four different factors which impact on an organisation’s business and its HR function.

Summative Assessment for Business Issue & the Contexts of HR (5CHR/03) Learning outcomes: Understand the key contemporary business issues and main external factors affecting different organisations and the impact on HR. Understand how organisational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed. Know how to identify and respond to changes in the business environment. […]

So who needs ethics is a ‘post Co-op Bank’ world?

MN6055 ASSIGNMENT BRIEF, BASED ON THE CO-OP BANK CASE STUDY Individual Report: Your task is to write an individual report (2,000 words maximum), aimed at the Board of the Co-op Bank, where you set out in full detail your corporate communication plans for the Co-op Bank.  How the Co-op Bank can best prepare for its […]

Discuss the issues related to beginning special education teachers in terms of special education referrals, accommodations, and behavior management strategies.

1. Discuss the issues related to beginning special education teachers in terms of special education referrals, accommodations, and behavior management strategies. 2. Important factors to consider when developing classroom management plans; and describe the difference between positive and negative reinforcement. 3. Describe a scenario when a teacher inadvertently used negative reinforcement. It can be something […]

What is an argument against Ford? How is utilitarianism useful and problematic when making decisions that affect others and how should a business determine what actions to take?

The Prompt: chose ONE of the following (whichever interests you most) 1) When Ford Motors decided not to spend money on improving the safety of the Pinto, they were severely criticized on moral grounds. Yet Ford’s defense was that they were making a sound moral judgment. It is impractical to expect an automobile to be […]

What is an APA In-Text Citation?

What is an APA In-Text Citation? An in-text citation is a citation within your writing that shows where you found your information, facts, quotes, and research. All APA in-text citations require the same basic information: Author’s last name (no first names or initials) Year of publication (or “n.d.” if there is “no date”:(LastName, n.d., p.#)) Page or […]

How easy is it to identify cost per hire as a strategic measure?

Ulrich (2001; explains that the Balance Score Card enables institutions to do two important things; – Manage HR as a strategic Asset and – demonstrate HR’s contribution to any financial success. A well thought out score card has four major themes; i) The High performance work system. This means designing and implementing a validated competency […]

How far do you agree with this assessment of the role of HRM?

Valerie Hughes-D’Aeth, Group HR Director at BBC, argues: ‘We are here in HR as an integral part of the BBC, providing support and services to enable the contributions of our people to be maximised. No matter what the business, for HR to function with integrity and impact, you have to have strong operational foundations in […]

What impact does palmitate have on the candidate gene and how does it influence the genes responsiveness to insulin?

Application of bioinformatics to the analysis of a candidate gene for insulin resistance in skeletal muscle                                        An experiment was set up to analyse and compare the expression of genes in skeletal muscle of obese individuals, showing a high level of circulating fatty acids and insulin resistance, with a control group. Skeletal muscle biopsies were taken […]