Entries by Donald

Analyze what are the various roles that family nurse practitioners can and/or must play to facilitate change for patients and communities before, during and at the completion of transition?

Review the links provided below to learn more about Dr. Meleis’ Transitions Theory. Reflect on the many challenges patients face in today’s complex health care system, ranging from lack of access to necessary preventative services, lack of education regarding disease management to much needed medication for tertiary care. Analyze what are the various roles that […]

Research Toyota Production System (TPS) and Toyota Lean Enterprise solutions, and also the selected public organization that needs improvement.

Select a public organization in need of improvement that you will benchmark against Toyota. Research Toyota Production System (TPS) and Toyota Lean Enterprise solutions, and also the selected public organization that needs improvement. Write a 550 – 1,050-word paper in which you benchmark/baseline the lean enterprise organization against Toyota. Compare and contrast your chosen organization […]

What’s been done in this topic area to date? What are the significant discoveries, key concepts, arguments, and/or theories that scholars have put forward? Which are the important works?

Literature Review organizes the previous research in light of what you are planning to do in your own project. • What’s been done in this topic area to date? What are the significant discoveries, key concepts, arguments, and/or theories that scholars have put forward? Which are the important works? • On which particular areas of […]

Prepare a report for the Quality Managers of Expedia.co.uk. In your report you are expected to identify and describe the concept of quality management.

Prepare a report for the Quality Managers of Expedia.co.uk. In your report you are expected to identify and describe the concept of quality management. Additionally, you are expected to outline the major issues currently experienced by the organization and assess the impact of one of the techniques like KPI or Benchmarking could have in terms […]

What are your overall impressions of the stereotypes in this advertisement? Write about 50 words in response.

Find 2 U.S. advertisements for this discussion question. (Television and Internet ads are acceptable). Describe with detail or display the ads by posting a picture. For each advertisement answer the following: Is the central figure a male or a female? What is the role of the central figure in the advertisement (e.g. spouse, homemaker, office […]

Identify which one of the six dimensions you have learned about (i.e., trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, and process) seems to be the most obvious for this person.

Section A (create an appropriate APA heading—do not label as “Section A” in your paper): Explain who the selected leader is and provide a brief history. Section B: Select and address only one of these items (create an appropriate APA heading—do not label as “Section B” in your paper): Identify how the leader defines the […]

Discuss one 2019 Hospital National Patient Safety Goal within your paper/presentation and how it relates to your topic.

Quinsigamond Community College      NUR 202-FA Fall 2019      Evidence-Based Practice Paper and Presentation Guidelines   Each student will develop an evidence based practice (EBP) paper and presentation emphasizing best practices on a medical-surgical topic related to course & clinical content. Topics must be approved by faculty. No duplication of topics is allowed within each clinical group. […]

What aspects of your life affected your development as a learner?

What aspects of your life affected your development as a learner? Consider experiences from preschool, elementary school, high school, college, and graduate school. Which of these theories, philosophies, and principles were embodied by the teachers you previously had? How did these enhance or inhibit your development as a learner? What insights have you gained from […]

Strategic communication plan for the ministry of health in the UAE.

Assignment 2 – Strategic Communications Plan Value: 30% Word Count: 2000 words Due: As per schedule In the form of a report, prepare a formal strategic communication plan for an identified client (more information on this client is on LMS) including the following components: • outline the (real/potential) communication issues/situation/problem, specifically as it relates to […]