Entries by Donald

What are the Impact of constructing a Motorway outside a care home for people with dementia?

Anderson, John, Anna Oudin, Anna Sundström, Bertil Forsberg, Rolf Adolfsson, and Maria Nordin. 2018. “Road Traffic Noise, Air Pollution, And Risk Of Dementia – Results From The Betula Project”. Environmental Research 166: 334-339. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2018.06.008. Brown, Donnamay T., Juanita L. Westbury, and Benjamin Schüz. 2015. “Sleep And Agitation In Nursing Home Residents With And Without Dementia”. […]

Community Health:How can the Environmental Protection Agency help with this issue?

Unit 6 Scholarly Activity Instructions: Community Health: After reviewing the following website, http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/airpollution/default.htm, select one of the following issues: asthma mold lung cancer carbon monoxide poisoning Address the following questions in your essay: What is the issue? Does air pollution play a role in the issue? How? What are the treatment options for the issue? […]

Memory and Eyewitness Identification ry and Eyewitness Identification:Which person did you pick and why?

___Please visit these websites (in order) first and complete the activity: (copy and paste the links into your browser) Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mfUGWif6pQ Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFYYJZwYy_8 1 Which person did you pick and why? How confident were you in your answer when you picked the person out of the lineup? Why were you confident/not confident? __After completing the above, visit […]

My Myers-Briggs Personality Test:what have you learned from these personality tests about organizational behavior that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager?

PROJECT 1 INSTRUCTIONS This project requires that you complete the Myers-Briggs Personality Test online, and then apply your results. The links and details are in Steps 1 and 2 (see below). Read all of the instructions for this assignment before beginning any of your work. Step 1 1. Open the following website to complete the […]

Explain what human resource professionals should consider when planning compensation and pay during recruitment planning.

Unit 6:  Human Resource Management Instructions: For this assignment, you will write an essay that explores the topics of gender gap and compensation. In your introduction, explain whether you think the gender gap is a women’s issue, men’s issue, or both. Explain your response and reasoning within your introduction. Then, divide the body of your […]

Marketing Plan: Choose a “new” product or service in an existing product/service category for your business.

Individual Project: 30% – Designing a Marketing Plan Designing a Marketing Plan The objective of this project is to provide you with experience in applying the concepts and methods of marketing to a real-world marketing opportunity in a small / medium business. The project is done individually. A comprehensive marketing plan for a new product […]

What is the impact of the two different cultures on the dimension and how does it compare across the countries as a result?

What is a comparative paper? Two distinct things: Retirement planning in the U.S. and another country Health care service in the U.S. and another country Long-term care service in the U.S. and another country Analyze similarities and differences Discuss implications of these Use research to support ideas You are an expert informing non-experts Sociological Aspects […]

Violating norms report:Describe briefly how this norm helps you determine how to act in a social setting.

Concept Ideas: Culture, Norm Violation, Sanctions, Folkways, Mores, Deviance Instructions: This assignment asks you to violate a norm and write a report about the experience. The objective of the research is to determine the extent to which norms influence behavior and how norm violation is perceived in our society. Thus, you will pay particular attention […]

Types of Fraud:How each type of fraud could impact the general public. 

Watch the assignment short video clips on different types of fraud and write a summary of how each type of fraud could impact the general public. The paper must be one page and formatted according to APA guidelines. https://youtu.be/GUY_01n1XWQ https://youtu.be/38BBxS476x4 https://youtu.be/4VzmEOHW6_0 https://youtu.be/kv72936OWck