Entries by Donald

Business intelligence:Outline the major changes you would anticipate in your organisation when implementing your BI solution.

Assignment 1 – Report (70%) Your role is to act as a Business Intelligence consultant for a business organisation* of your own choice (e.g. university, banking, health, retail or airline as a business). You could invent a case study of an organisation; however, we suggest you find a case study of an existing organisation. Your chosen […]

Euthanasia:Describes unique viewpoints of all those involved in ethical/ professional dilemma.

Professional Issue Paper Grading Rubric (Individual assignment) Instructions: The purpose of this individual paper is to identify a nursing professional/ ethical issue; describe unique viewpoints of all involved, e.g. patient, family member, nurse, physician; and propose culturally sensitive solution to this ethical/ professional dilemma. Student will address the ethical theories, principles, and sections of the […]

Evaluate the challenges facing Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) as part of an inter-professional, interdisciplinary health care.

NURS2303 Nursing Trends and Issues Continuing Competency Assignment Continuing Competency Assignment (25%) NURS2303 Nursing Trends and Issues brings many of the concepts and issues learned in detail throughout your practical nursing program together to prepare and support you for your preceptor experience and for life after graduation. By now, you should be familiar with the […]

Examine the impact on long-haul aviation of international and European legal instruments focused on limiting climate change by reducing carbon emissions. To what extent are any developments in this area mirrored in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States? What are the implications for the long-haul sector?

TOPIC : Examine the impact on long-haul aviation of international and European legal instruments focused on limiting climate change by reducing carbon emissions. To what extent are any developments in this area mirrored in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the United States? What are the implications for the long-haul sector? Instructions: The Research Essay is […]

Identify, research and synthesise theoretical knowledge and apply legal theory to justify arguments on the theoretical and normative character of law

Assessment 2: Theoretical Research Paper Task A research essay on selected legal theory Length 1500 words (+/- 10%), excluding referencing and reference list Due Date 11.59pm on the Monday of Week 3 Relationship to other tasks and assessments: This assessment allows you to engage in depth with legal theory. In class we take a global […]

What strategies might a professional nurse use in his/her work environment to advocate for implementation of nursing theory as a framework for quality practice?

Strategies & Quality Practice What strategies might a professional nurse use in his/her work environment to advocate for implementation of nursing theory as a framework for quality practice? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your […]

Audience Analysis: Who is in your audience? What are their individual and group characteristics?

Audience Analysis: A Guide for Speakers To learn more, see: sixminutes.dlugan.com/audience-analysis Primary dimensions of audience analysis:  Demographic Analysis Who is in your audience? What are their individual and group characteristics?  Psychological Analysis What does your audience know and believe? What do they think about your topic?  Contextual Analysis When and where are […]

Describe at least three different ways Ta-Nehisi and Paul Coates respond to the problem of racism and explain to Karla how effective you think each one is.

Essay One Assignment: Responding to Karla’s Questions About Tyranny and Responses to It in 13th and The Beautiful Struggle Your friend Karla, who is Latinx, comes to you with a dilemma. In her American history class at GCC, one of the students keeps claiming that the election of Barack Obama in 2008 proves that racism […]