Entries by Donald

What is your general understanding about the value of studying logic?

Content Reflection  LOGIC View the video below. 2. Write a paragraph answering the following prompt: What is your general understanding about the value of studying logic? Why do you think it is important to be analyze an argument and where might this come into play in your everyday life? https://youtu.be/iSZ3BUru59A https://youtu.be/VRZk62QNOsM

What are the microvascular and macrovascular complications associated with type 2 diabetes in the pediatric population?

Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and adolescents in the United States. The majority of new diabetes cases are type 1 diabetes in the pediatric population. However, type 2 diabetes has become increasingly common in children and adolescents over the past two decades and appears to be a growing problem. […]

Why would people living in industrialized nations be more vulnerable to eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia?

Book: Smolak, L, Thompson, K.J. Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Obesity in Youth. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2009. ISBN: 9781433804052. Chapter 5, pgs. 102-112, Chapter 6, pgs. 113-134 & Chapter 13, pgs. 261-279 Anorexia, bulimia, and related eating disorders are not unique to Western culture. A number of social and familial factors […]

Barrier identification:Identify barriers by observing practice, discussing recommended practice with staff, and simulating or trying to conform to recommended practices (walk it, talk it, trying it).

BARRIER IDENTIFICATION AND MITIGATION Instructions:. Use the Barrier Identification and Mitigation Tool template to collect information on potential barriers to evidence based practice change. Identify barriers by observing practice, discussing recommended practice with staff, and simulating or trying to conform to recommended practices (walk it, talk it, trying it). Step 1:  Walk it, talk it, […]

What approaches did country X’s military use to solve the problem and achieve the termination criteria or military end state?

Purpose: Using concepts taught throughout theJ300 Lesson, Operational Art & Design, you will write an analytical/research paper on a historical event (your instructor will give you the historical event). You will analyze a historical event from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or […]

How has the concept of sex and gender varied across cultures and historical periods? What are the limitations of the sex/gender binary?

According to Grewal $ Kaplan (2005), ‘The two-gender system that seems so “natural” has not been so for all time or everywhere in the world (p.2) .” Drawing on the course material (readings, films, lectures, tutorials, etc.) , wrte a short essay to discuss this statement. Your essay should address the following questions: 1 What […]

What do countries benefit from in a monetary union? Base your essay on the case of European countries and the creation of the Euro.

Sample Term Paper Topics The following is a short list of sample term paper research topics. Please be advised that these serve only as suggestions and are quite broad. You are to choose one and narrow down the topic to a specific research question. How does money supply influence inflation? The role of measures of […]

Which type of policy might a doctor who has been in practice for 20 years at three different organizations prefer? Why?

In this assignment, you will consider liability in the context of liability insurance. To get started, go online and follow these steps to navigate to an article on malpractice insurance: Go to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (Links to an external site.) In the dropdown menu to the left of the Search window, select PMC. Enter the following article […]

Identify and analyze the factors that promote and hinder working in partnership with others in your own field of practice.

NURS 2020 COMPLEX CARE NEEDS Report Structure The following grid is for your guidance and your report subtitles may vary from what has been suggested but before submitting your assignment, check against the following suggestions:   Things to include Notes and comments References / Suggested word count Abstract A brief summary of your report (what […]