Entries by Donald

Identify and analyze the components and complexities of a rhetorical situation:Use knowledge of audience, exigence, constraints, genre, tone, diction, syntax, and structure to produce situation-appropriate argumentative texts, including texts that move beyond formulaic structures.

Description of Course Content: Continues ENGL 1301, but with an emphasis on advanced techniques of academic argument. Includes issue identification, independent library research, analysis and evaluation of sources, and synthesis of sources with students’ own claims, reasons, and evidence. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ENGL 1301. Student Learning Outcomes: In ENGL 1302, students […]

What role has ethnic nationalism played in sparking or intensifying major conflicts of the past 150 years? Compare and contrast at least two nationalist movements from across this period.

Description: Goal: To demonstrate an awareness of the significance of religion, culture and/or politics in shaping nationalist movements; and communicating this effectively by conducting research, interpretation and analysis of primary and secondary sources.. Format: Choose one of the topics listed below. In responding to the chosen topic, the essay should combine knowledge of course concepts/themes […]

How one phenomenon associated with globalization has most strongly affected your company, with respect to the services they offer, and the way they do business.

During this Session-long project, you will analyze a logistics firm such as UPS, FedEx, Maersk Line (ocean shipping), DHL Aviation, Landstar System (trucking), CSC (railroad), or Kinder Morgan (pipelines). Almost every company uses logistics in some way, but in a logistics course, companies that specialize in it are more useful as case studies. Please select […]

Compare mediation to the negotiation process and arbitration to the litigation process to show how they are viable methods to resolve conflicts in the workplace.

This is the Outline portion of the term paper only. The topic you will prepare the outline for is: Comparing mediation to arbitration as viable methods to resolve conflicts in the workplace. Written Assignment: Term Paper Outline The product of this assignment is an expanded proposal, including information on the references you are using. The […]

In what situations can exchange theory, as summarized above, be applied? Describe 2 situations in “rational individuals…calculate the consequences of their actions before taking them.”

Exchange Theory/Rational Choice The textbook notes that the forerunner of exchange theory, George Homans, “maintains that (in everyday interaction) individuals will act to secure rewards and avoid punishment. Social relationships are seen as exchange relationships in the sense that rewards, such a approval or recognition, are attendant on certain behaviors. When these behaviors are rewarded, […]

State the decision you recommend the decision maker(s) make; Summarize each case study and in one sentence clearly state the ethical issue that needs to be decided

“For this assignment, complete: 1) the reading by Maloney; 2) the Santa Clara University Ethics Webpage article; and 3) the three case studies provided. Then, using as a basis either the Maloney article OR A Framework for Thinking Ethically from the SCU website, analyze each case study. Your analysis should address the elements identified in […]

Reflect critically on your own learning and on the contribution of your work to knowledge in the field.

MODULE AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Module Aim In this module you will develop the necessary skills to plan, develop, implement, and critique a research project with relevance to the occupational therapy profession’s knowledge and evidence base. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to plan for dissemination of your research to a wider audience via a […]

Is there a difference in memory retention between MPA students and MBA students? Please write two-tailed hypothesis.

Assume you are a researcher, please write null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the research question below (10’): Does the yearly income for Professors differ from Lawyers? Please write two-tailed hypothesis. Is there a difference in memory retention between MPA students and MBA students? Please write two-tailed hypothesis. Did dieters lose more fat than the […]

Which are the key factors that make it difficult to investigate and prosecute crimes associated to technologies?

Task 15 White Collar Crimes Examine the following references and videos: ◦Introduction to the American Legal System (Chapter 4) ◦Puerto Rico Penal Code ◦Steven Louth, White collar crime -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHTQ3TCQUoU ◦The Business of White Collar Crime -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEoYxQgYT2w -Enumerate and describe on your words four (4) white collar crimes that are recognized by both the PR Penal […]