Entries by Donald

Identify, locate, and research published information about one (1) current topic related to an area of technology management from the list to be provided.

Identify, locate, and research published information about one (1) current topic related to an area of technology management from the list to be provided. • Develop and write an original paper that describes the topic and explains the potential impact that the situation will have on the broader technology management field over the next five […]

Critically analyze the impact of globalization on the emergence, spread and control of communicable diseases and the challenges this creates for global public health responses and governance.

It is important that the essay demonstrates reference to a wide range of sources, for example research papers, journal articles, books, edited book chapters and policy documents. ESSAY QUESTION You are required to write an essay of approximately 4000 words in length to answer the following questions: Critically analyze the impact of globalization on the […]

Show the breakdown of hospital admissions by age, then by transportation method and by gender for all patients. What kind of a hospital is this?

1. Show the breakdown of hospital admissions by age, then by transportation method and by gender for all patients. What kind of a hospital is this? 2. Show the relationship between age and LOS (length of stay) for all emergency admissions. Is there a difference between males and females? Perhaps the best way to show […]

Explain how the NIST SP800-61, Rev. 1 could assist the personnel in classifying incidents so each is identified appropriately and the proper incident-handling procedures are taken.

Imagine you have just taken over the manager position for your organization’s incident response team, after coming from another division in the company. Your first realization is that proper procedures, best practices, and sound technologies are not being utilized. You decide to revamp the team’s efforts. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in […]

Explain whether the fact that Hand was not a citizen of the United States affects his rights in relation to the Fifth.Amendment right to remain silent.

Determine whether Hand was entitled to Miranda warnings. Explain whether the fact that Hand was not a citizen of the United States affects his rights in relation to the Fifth.Amendment right to remain silent. Identify whether Hand’s questioning was custodial. Explain whether McFadden’s statement abouthis family constitutes custodial interrogation. Evaluate whether Hand’s statement can be […]

Write a review covering the challenge and opportunities of bioinformatics to analyze the data generated from long-read sequencing technologies (e.g. Oxford Nanopore).

Assignment “Bioinformatic challenges of long-read nucleid acid sequencing technologies” The learning objectives of this assignment are: To become familiar with sequencing technologies and specifically for long-read generating sequencing technologies such as the Oxford Nanopore To become familiar with the range of bioinformatics tools that can assist the analysis of long-read sequencing technologies To understand how […]

Analyze how financial accounting of production cost differs from managerial accounting of production cost.

Create a 9-slide presentation in which you analyze cost accounting practices to make a recommendation about whether or not to accept a purchase offer at a lower price than normal. You may either record the presentation or write a 2-3 page supporting report. Scenario The Acme Pickle Company has distributed pickles under the “Florida’s Best” […]

Examine the criteria used to expense and capitalize advertising costs and where these costs appear in the financial statement.

Scenario You work for an organization that is seeking growth and recently has hired new district managers to assist in this growth. In talking to other regional managers, you have heard that some district managers do not have a thorough understanding of commonly used accounting tools including an income statement and balance sheet. You have […]

Critically evaluate the advances/progress in treatment for cystitis in the past 10 years.

Coursework Brief: Critically evaluate the advances/progress in treatment for cystitis in the past 10 years. Introduction should include, an overview of the disease (brief presentation, detrimental effects, and most importantly the pathophysiology) Rather than delving into “Current treatments for disease x are…” to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of what makes the disease tick, […]

Describe two things Duane could have done to be more successful.  Identify two strategies from the charts in Section 3.4 that he could have used to FIT (Forge, Intensify, or Tether) his Learning Patterns more intentionally.

Week 3 Reflective Journal Personal Learning Strategies To prepare for this journal, return to Chapter 3 and review Sections 3.1 and 3.4, paying careful attention to Tables 3.10-3.12.  As the book explains, “Vincent, Cari, and Duane all lack an understanding of how to be mindful, intentional learners. …they are not headed for success, because they […]