Entries by Donald

Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exertthe greatest influence as well as factors that help adolescents resist peer pressure.

Describe the three-stage sequence in which children develop ideas of friendship, noting corresponding age range for each stage. (1-2 Paragraphs) Describe the four categories of peer acceptance, noting how each related to social behavior. (1-2 Paragraphs) Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exertthe greatest influence as well as factors that […]

When is a warrant required in your state (Virginia)?

Description Many criminal cases are thrown out because police failed to get a warrant for a search or arrest. In your work as a paralegal, you can’t control what the police do during investigation, but you can be prepared to spot search and seizure issues in a case. For this assignment, you will research your […]

Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exert the greatest influence as well as factors that help adolescents resist peer pressure.

Describe the three-stage sequence in which children develop ideas of friendship, noting corresponding age range for each stage. (1-2 Paragraphs) Describe the four categories of peer acceptance, noting how each related to social behavior. (1-2 Paragraphs) Discuss peer pressure and conformity, noting the domains in which peers exert the greatest influence as well as factors […]

What impacts does this framing have on responses to the issue?

The Assignment Brief Critical Report, 2000 words, 50% The purpose of this task is for students to provide an in-depth report on a topic from the course covered in weeks 2-12, but NOT addressed by the student in Assessment 1A or 1B. INSTRUCTIONS Critically analyse how 2-4 different documents frame this ‘reality of crime’, and how […]

Indicate the percentage worth of the final grade out of 100%. For example, this paper is worth 10% of your overall grade.

Assessment Plan The assessment plan outlines the details of each graded assignment that occurs in the course including evidence that will determine how well the students are achieving the selected outcomes. You will need to create a rubric for your formative assessment plan. You will need to clearly explain how students will be graded for […]

Select a client or client system and then formulate an intervention plan based on your assessment of the needs of the client system and drawn from evidence-based practice (EBP).

In this assignment you will select a client or client system (e.g., older adults diagnosed with depression, women diagnosed with bipolar disorder, families in divorce, people living with food or housing insecurity) and then formulate an intervention plan based on your assessment of the needs of the client system and drawn from evidence-based practice (EBP). […]

Compare/Contrast Essay- Apple Ipad vs. Microsoft Surface: Write an essay comparing or contrasting the two topics using EITHER the point-by-point OR the subject-by-subject method to organize the details and specific examples.

Compare/Contrast Essay- Apple Ipad vs. Microsoft Surface You will use at least two credible sources to support your claims, and remember, you must include your sources throughout the body paragraphs of your essay in a mix of cited quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Both the support and research portions of the rubric will be negatively affected […]

What is the psychological impact on these needs on the target population in the short term and long term?

Introduction: (Approx. 100 words) Inform the reader of the purpose of this report in relation to the learning outcomes for the module; chosen population; chosen area of need; community approach and initiative to improve the health of your population. STEP 1: Geographical Profile: ( approx.. 1000 words) (LO2; LO3) Summarize the data and information you […]