Entries by Donald

What are the factors that had the most positive influence on the entrepreneur’s/owner manager’s activities? Critically evaluate the traits of the entrepreneur’s or owner-manager.

Answer to those 2 questions , with a basic English ( not difficult ) Q1. What are the factors that had the most positive influence on the entrepreneur’s/owner manager’s activities? Critically evaluate the traits of the entrepreneur’s or owner-manager. Q2. What were the key challenges and lessons learnt by the entrepreneur and/or owner-manager in taking […]

Critically analyze how 2-4 different documents frame this ‘reality of crime’, and how these approaches may be improved.

The Assignment Brief Critical Report, 2000 words, 50% The purpose of this task is for students to provide an in-depth report on a topic from the course covered in weeks 2-12, but NOT addressed by the student in Assessment 1A or 1B. INSTRUCTIONS Critically analyse how 2-4 different documents frame this ‘reality of crime’, and how […]

Prepare a case write-up to apply concepts and frameworks to a designated case study and to generate recommendations.

INDIVIDUAL WRITE-UP ASSIGNMENT (Strategic Management) This assignment requires each student to prepare a case write-up to apply concepts and frameworks to a designated case study and to generate recommendations. Case To be announced Report format • Each case write-up should range between 2,000 to 3,000 words (single space, 12 point font, with 1 inch margins […]

Conduct a general review of the primary research literature (with citations) but should not include very specific lengthy explanations that you will probably discuss in greater detail in the discussion section.

Sections of the Term Paper 1. Title Page 2. Abstract a. An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph, the major aspects of the entire paper i. The question(s) you investigated (or purpose). State the purpose clearly in the first or second sentence. ii. Briefly describe the topic (background) without going into excessive detail iii. Report […]

Conduct research on various methodologies and solutions relating to the implementation of effective cybersecurity programs that may be utilized to thwart outside-agency attacks on an enterprise’s networks.

Overview One of the responsibilities placed on managers in today’s On-Demand Economy is that of ensuring that the business processes are held to a high degree of cybersecurity. Because the concept of data-on-demand is an operational necessity that places the enterprise’s and customers’ resources at risk to potential fraudulent hacks, all employees, including those that […]

Identify an organizational team behaviour problem where you work or have previously worked and write a paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences to explain the context, the problem to be addressed, and the outcomes that have occurred to-date as a result of the problem.

ASSESSMENT ITEM 2 Item 2: Written Assignment Weighting: 40% Length: 2000 words including in-text citations, excluding reference list This assignment is an analytical report relating to managing a team in an Organizational Behaviour context. This is an individual assessment piece. The purpose of this assessment is to help you gain a deep and critical understanding […]

Which of these scenarios do you think is most likely to occur? Defend your choice by analyzing it in the context of the deep historical forces outlined in the textbook.

Go to the Shell Scenarios webpage. https://www.shell.com/energy-and-innovation/the-energy-future/scenarios.html Once you have navigated to the site, watch the “Shell New Lens Scenarios” video (1:38) found on that page. (If you have trouble locating the video, it can also be found on YouTube.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIwzMhDFP2M&feature=player_embedded After watching the video, read the two scenarios, Mountains and Oceans, as well as pp. 22–24 […]

Prepare a two-page summary that documents the IDEO shopping cart redesign process in the basic steps covered.

ESCI 105 In 1999, ABC’s late-night news show Nightline presented the IDEO new shopping cart redesign project to demonstrate innovation processes. The show presented the whole IDEO’s design concept for this project. The newly redesigned shopping cart project considered issues such as maneuverability, shopping behavior, child safety, and maintenance cost. Prepare a two-page summary that […]