Entries by Donald

How will you utilize reflection of your teaching practice and content knowledge to improve student learning?

Write a 350- to 700-word reflection on teaching English language learners, using the readings to make connections to your teaching philosophy and your understanding of ELL student needs. Address the following questions in your reflection: As an ELL teacher, what would you need to know about ELL terminology and the history of ELL education? How […]

What specific client advocacy, current public policy discussions, or ethical or legal issues may be related to this case study?

CASE STUDIES One of the best ways to learn is by using a dramatic experience, followed by reflective analysis. Case studies are designed to help counselors examine situations carefully, make initial assessments, and formulate hypothetical treatment plans. Case studies provide an appreciation of the complexity of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. It is a way to […]

How do you intend to improve your cultural competence? Consider education, exposure, knowledge and skills that are required to develop.

Assignment Guidance This assignment is a 2000 word – reflective discussion on personal cultural competence A Reflective Discussion on Personal Cultural Competence In this assignment you will reflect and analyse on your own cultural competence based on ONE experience from your practice learning to date.  This could include examples such as caring for a patient […]

What do you think caused the Civil War? Write a three- to four-paragraph essay opinion piece that explains your ideas.

Since the end of the Civil War in 1865, different historians have held various opinions about what caused the Civil War. Slavery, states’ rights, and regional economics are all disputed causes.What do you think caused the Civil War? Write a three- to four-paragraph essay opinion piece that explains your ideas. Use the events and your […]

Describe the ways in which the character’s portrayal represents (or challenges) typical female stereotypes & gender roles.

Select a female character from a TV show, movie, book, or fairy tale and apply 1 theoretical concept from class to understand the character’s feelings, thoughts, or behaviors from a gendered perspective. Also discuss how her portrayal represents (or rebels against) typical female gender expectations. This paper should be approximately 3-4 double-spaced pages. Do not […]

How successful do you feel you were in linking your soldiers experience with historical information?

Rubric for the paper: The student: i. consistently uses a wide range of terminology effectively ii. demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through thorough, accurate descriptions, explanations and examples. The student: i. formulates a clear and focused research question and explains its relevance ii. formulates and follows a substantial action plan to […]

Thoroughly describe the disorder in terms of symptom presentation and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.

Thoroughly describe the disorder in terms of symptom presentation and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Discuss treatment options for this disorder, being sure to outline both pharmacological and psychotherapy-based options. Select a minimum of one peer reviewed scholarly journal article from the APUS Library that relates to your selected diagnosis. Summarize the article and discuss how it […]