Entries by Donald

Bernie Madoff :How could business and regulatory practices be modified to prevent another tragic Ponzi scheme similar to the Madoff affair?

Watch the attached video. Post your answers to the discussion board. https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-the-madoff-affair/ Explain how the unethical behavior and actions of Bernie Madoff and his associates lead to the bilking investors out of billions of dollars. Who do you hold accountable for the Bernie Madoff affair? Explain your answer. How could business and regulatory practices be […]

The Indivisible Whole: Read the chapter and then share what you feel astronaut Rusty Schweickart meant when he stated: “It was like seeing a baby about to be born.

The Indivisible Whole is designed to bring closure to the entire semester. For this Discussion exercise, you are required to read Chapter Eighteen of Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline (all four pages of it!) — it is entitled “The Indivisible Whole.” Thus . . . For this Discussion, write at least 400 words. Respond to […]

Why has India’s economy evolved differently than China?

Apply discussion question guidelines as previously noted. Compare the growth successes and potentials of India and China. List the advantages and disadvantages of each. Why has India’s economy evolved differently than China?Which market related factors will be problems for India? For China? You will have to do some research beyond the text to answer this […]

How will student-led IEP meetings empower students to own their disability?

Proposal to Conduct Student-Led Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings Develop a 5- to 6-page proposal for implementing student-led individualized education program (IEP) meetings that you could present to your school board. Include the following in your proposal: Definition of a student-led IEP. Purposes of student-led IEPs. An implementation action plan, containing: -Benchmark dates -Training required […]