Entries by Donald

How effective have the strategies of various movements we’ve been witnessing over the last few months been in getting your support to their cause?

How effective have the strategies of various movements we’ve been witnessing over the last few months been in getting your support to their cause? You might want to consider the recent protests against police violence, or various social media campaigns by medical workers to pressure governments for more resources in their fight against COVID19, or […]

A 32-year-old male presents to the office complaining of feeling elated over the past 2 weeks. What is the most likely diagnosis? What would be your initial treatment at this time? What patient education and monitoring would you do at this time?

A 32-year-old male presents to the office complaining of feeling elated over the past 2 weeks. He has had increased energy and reports sleeping for 3 or 4 hours per night. He has been making rash decisions and has been spending excessive amounts of money lately. He reports that prior to these symptoms, he has […]

Compare and contrast leader roles and management functions. Apply one specific leadership style that a nurse can use to manage a workplace initiative that reflects a current healthcare priority.

Compare and contrast leader roles and management functions. Apply one specific leadership style that a nurse can use to manage a workplace initiative that reflects a current healthcare priority. Discuss the strategies an organization can use to empower leaders and manager and guide him/her to become a transformational leader. Review chapters 1- 3 in Marquis, […]

Consider the elements of fiction and vocabulary terms you have learned, and then choose one specific aspect of the text(s) to analyze, such as plot, point-of-view, characterization, setting, style, theme, tone, symbolism, irony, or use of a specific figurative language device.

To analyze significant primary texts as forms of cultural and creative expression; to explain the ways in which texts reflect the culture and values of their time and place; to frame a comparative context to critically assess the ideas, forces, and values that shape texts; to develop an interpretation of a literary text, support the […]

Can you identify the characteristics of healthy relationships? What are those characteristics?What information was something you already knew? What information was new to you? In what ways is it helpful to a young adult to know the signs of a potentially abusive relationship?

1. Can you identify the characteristics of healthy relationships? What are those characteristics?What information was something you already knew? What information was new to you? 2. In what ways is it helpful to a young adult to know the signs of a potentially abusive relationship? 3. Can you identify any of the “red flags” in […]

Explore different types of emission spectra and compare known spectra of elements to identify an object of unknown composition. Analyze light from distant objects using spectral analysis (spectroscopy) to determine many of their physical parameters.

Explore different types of emission spectra and compare known spectra of elements to identify an object of unknown composition. Analyze light from distant objects using spectral analysis (spectroscopy) to determine many of their physical parameters. Judging from the number of visible energy-level transitions (lines) in the spectra, which of the above elements would you conclude […]

Identify at least three significant assertions, WCGWs, and explain how these assertions might be at risk. Develop an audit strategy that lists the appropriate audit procedures for each risk of the assertion.

Identify at least three significant assertions, WCGWs, and explain how these assertions might be at risk. Develop an audit strategy that lists the appropriate audit procedures for each risk of the assertion. You may also need to use provided datasets. Although the most critical information is provided in the text, explain at what stage of […]

What ethical issues might an individual who posts information on social media face? What about legal issues? Provide an example post and discuss both the ethical and legal issues.

You are a police officer. You receive a call about a domestic disturbance at a home on the south side of town. As you arrive at the home, you see two adults and four children standing in the yard. There are also three neighbors standing in the street. You know that you must use information […]

Choose three theories (at one micro-level, one macro-level theory, and Routine Activities Theory as a mid-level theory) to explain why someone would choose computer hacking.

Watch the videos entitled Hackers and Rise of the Hackers. Choose three theories (at one micro-level, one macro-level theory, and Routine Activities Theory as a mid-level theory) to explain why someone would choose computer hacking. Use examples from these films to help demonstrate these concepts. Develop a deterrent strategy for future hackers reflecting your theoretical […]

What kind of health hazards are linked to HRT use? list and explain ethically questionable practices that are described in the paper. Be specific.

This week we will consider the rise and fall of hormone replacement therapy. As we learned, publications ethics affect not only individual author’s professional standing and funding, but they can also have a very large impact on public health. As an example, we will examine the paper by Adriane Fugh-Berman “The Haunting of Medical Journals: […]