Entries by Donald

Choose a country.Trace that countries sports and games history going back at least to 1800’s.List prominent sports and games for fun, recreation, leagues, professionally within and internationally.

A Countries Culture, Norms, Religion, Beliefs The Effects On Sports Participation. 1. Choose A Country- Not the United States I’ve chosen Italy. 2. Trace that countries sports and games history going back at least to 1800’s. 3. List prominent sports and games for fun, recreation, leagues, professionally within and internationally. 4. List who played them […]

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research methodologies used in health care settings. 2. Demonstrate an ability to underpin critical arguments with an appropriate range of contemporary literature.

This is a 2,000 word systematic critique of one research paper from a choice provided by the module leader, using Caldwell et al’s (2005) critiquing tool. You are expected to: Identify a research study from the selection of papers found on the NS521 Blackboard shell within the assignment Folder. The papers will be uploaded during […]

Present a potential problem and an innovative solution specific to your role specialization.Design your research question aimed at solving (a part of) the problem.

In the Week 1 discussion forum you had an opportunity to present a potential problem and an innovative solution specific to your role specialization. In addition, you have reviewed the literature to identify qualitative and quantitative research articles and submitted annotated bibliographies to provide evidence supporting the problem. Considering the feedback provided to you by […]

Begin the process of gathering your sources by first searching for your topic. WHY is it important? Who does the health issue affect? People/population/problem (What are the characteristics of the population?

Covid 19 Issue research-related. • WHAT is the health issue or topic? (i.e., condition or disease or issue) • WHY is it important? • WHO does the health issue affect? People/population/problem (What are the characteristics of the population? • Comparisons (What is the alternative to the intervention? How is this health issue addressed? What measures […]

Identify, to the extent discernible, Bastiat’s ontology, epistemology, axiology, and teleology; Judge his use of political language. Does Bastiat define terms such as authority, power, liberty, equality, and justice biblically?

Read and evaluate Bastiat’s The Law. More specifically, you are to: Identify, to the extent discernible, Bastiat’s ontology, epistemology, axiology, and teleology; Judge his use of political language. Does Bastiat define terms such as authority, power, liberty, equality, and justice biblically? Express and defend your general agreement/disagreement with the content therein. The paper is to […]

Prepare a Persuasive Brief to Court entitled “Defendant’s Motion for Self-Defense Jury Instruction.” For this Persuasive Brief to Court, you may use the materials and research from the Legal Memorandum

We are getting ready to go to trial on the Jeffrey Bing matter. Since my initial interview with Mr. Bing (see the Senior Attorney Memorandum), the paralegals have found out some additional facts about the case. Discovery is now closed. The trial is scheduled to begin in 4 weeks. Pretrial motions and supporting briefs are […]

Evaluate how an organization is structured differently when it operates solely within one country versus one that operates in multiple countries. In particular, discuss the best fit of the multinational firm to its worldwide industry environment and the changing role of central headquarters as an organization expands into other countries.

Organizations are structured to take advantage of their inherent strengths and also to minimize their inherent weaknesses. For example, an organization may outsource its purchasing functions if they can be accomplished more effectively and efficiently by a private vendor. Evaluate how an organization is structured differently when it operates solely within one country versus one […]

Determine the influence the implementation of the ERP systems has on the performance of the firms  Establish the criteria utilized by SMEs to select the best ERP system. Assess the consequences of selecting the wrong ERP system.

Determine the influence the implementation of the ERP systems has on the performance of the firms. Establish the criteria utilized by SMEs to select the best ERP system. Assess the consequences of selecting the wrong ERP system. Determine what influences the choice of factors when implementing the ERP systems. Draw the impact of the ERP […]

Develop an argument for the story’s theme based on an analysis of a particular character. (You may choose to analyze the character of the narrator him or herself if the narrator is internal to and part of the story).

As you were reminded last week, all stories have a plot (the order of events that happen) and all plots consist of five basic parts, and through paying attention to the way in which these events are ordered and where it is decided a story should begin and end, a story’s theme can begin to […]