Entries by Donald

Reflect on which arguments about the topic you chose from Canadian Points of View you accept, those outlined in the Point, Counterpoint, or a completely different argument. For you, what is the single most compelling argument regarding corona virus 2019 (COVID-19), and why?

Within the Canadian Points of View Reference Centre (which you can access via the Douglas College Library—you will need to consent to having a personal account with EBSCO information Services), explore topics from the list that interest you and about which you would like to develop a more informed perspective. Select one of the topics […]

Write an academic book review for the following book: Mayeri, Serena. Reasoning from Race: Feminism, Law, and the Civil Rights Revolution. Harvard, 2011.Your first paragraph should concisely explain the book’s scope/time period, the author’s main purpose and arguments thesis.

Write an academic book review for the following book: Mayeri, Serena. Reasoning from Race: Feminism, Law, and the Civil Rights Revolution. Harvard, 2011. The general purpose of book reviews is to give your readers a good idea of what the book is about, what the main arguments and contributions are, and how the author goes […]

Suppose people’s willingness to pay follows normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2 , derive likelihood function to estimate mean μ and variance σ2 based on the responses(yes or no) of n respondents.

Suppose a researcher wanted to estimate people’s willingness to pay for public construction project. He asked to i-th respondent that “Are you willing to pay Ai amount of tax for public construction project?”, and the respondent would only say yes or no. Suppose people’s willingness to pay follows normal distribution with mean μ and variance […]

View a feature film made between 1970–2000 you have not seen before (or will see later in this class) by a great director or featuring a great actor or actress. Pay particular attention to the screen play, camerawork (cinematography) the editing (montage) and the sound (this can include the music)

You will be responsible for watching a film and writing a 3-5 page essay in which you respond to prompts which will be provided for each paper. (This means at least 3 pages include the “My Criteria for Quality in Film” page and no longer than 5 pages. These assignments are reaction papers, not plot summaries […]

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of core team motivation theory and how this affects team dynamics using relevant academic theory and models.

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of core team motivation theory and how this affects team dynamics using relevant academic theory and models. Demonstrate an understanding of the different aspects of communication and to assess their effectiveness for teams you have experience of and for your own development. Evaluate your own communication behaviour and recognise its impact […]

What about human diversity issues (e.g., was the sampling plan fair and inclusive, was the sample representative of the population or did it lead to biases in the findings?). Were ethical issues (e.g., human subjects’ protections) adequately addressed?

You are encouraged to identify a research problem that is related to your field placement and/or your areas of interest within social work, or just a problem that interests you. Stick to this outline. It will make the paper easier to write and more understandable for me to read. For the research problem statement, consider […]

Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan. The actual need that you identify could be related to process improvement, patient safety, quality service, effective workflow, or ongoing education to address a knowledge deficit.

In your textbook Leading and Managing in Nursing, read Chapter 30, “The Strategic Planning Process.” In your textbook Fundamentals of Project Management, read: Chapter 1, “An Overview of Project Management” Chapter 2, “The Role of the Project Manager” Chapter 3, “Incorporating Stakeholder Management in the Project Planning Process” Chapter 4, “Planning the Project” Chapter 5, […]

Write a reflection essay (400 words) on what they have read, comprehended and analyzed in the two articles by applying the following sub-reading skills, comparing the author’s focus, attitude and/or position in both articles.

This assignment is requiring students to outline two articles of their choice on the same theme/topic, then write a reflection essay (400 words bring two articles on the same topic/theme of their choice. outlining the two articles by skimming, scanning, highlighting and annotating main idea of each paragraph. (10 marks) write a reflection essay (400 […]

Identify a larger topic. An umbrella that covers the whole paper. For example, gender issues, class issues (economy – poor vs rich), use of humor, effective use of symbolism, use of nature, use of metaphors, mental illness, independence etc. Write about why this larger topic is important to you and to this world today.1 point

Identify a larger topic. An umbrella that covers the whole paper. For example, gender issues, class issues (economy – poor vs rich), use of humor, effective use of symbolism, use of nature, use of metaphors, mental illness, independence etc. Write about why this larger topic is important to you and to this world today.1 point […]

Is Jill’s behavior ethical? Why? Use the relevant section of the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics to justify your response.

Consider the following scenario: Jill is conducting an experiment on the effects of story themes—traditional versus nontraditional—on memory for story details. She is paying participants $5 to complete a research protocol that takes about 40 minutes. Prior to beginning the protocol, participants sign a consent form. Jill is present during this time to answer questions […]