Entries by Donald

Develop plan for entrepreneurial opportunity to build, buy or franchise a new venture that is viable, commercial, and marketable. Demonstrate critical thinking to assess the various organizational forms and the benefits, risks, and basic tax aspects for various organizational forms.

Develop plan for entrepreneurial opportunity to build, buy or franchise a new venture that is viable, commercial, and marketable. Demonstrate critical thinking to assess the various organizational forms and the benefits, risks, and basic tax aspects for various organizational forms. Examine the operations management, location and human resources management of the venture. Detail impact of […]

What do you think and/or feel about the husband’s character in the story, “Say Yes”, by Tobias Wolff. What do you think Tobias Wolff is suggesting about the nature of racial prejudice through the husband’s character and other images or descriptions in the story?

For this assignment,  choose one of the following prompts and to use that lens to analyze the short story it’s referring to. Make sure to use quotes from the short story to support your claim. Kate Chopin is known as one of the mothers of modern feminism. Use your own close reading of her work […]

Imagine yourself at a turning point in the history of science in the 17th century. You are a student of Galileo. He suggests that the earth must orbit the sun like these moons orbit Jupiter, but your fellow students argue that the earth could not be moving because if it were, everything on it would fly off into space. What do you decide?

Imagine yourself at a turning point in the history of science in the 17th century. You are a student of Galileo and he has just shown you his telescope and asked you to observe four moons circling the planet Jupiter. He suggests that the earth must orbit the sun like these moons orbit Jupiter, but […]

Is Burger King in touch with their customer‘s tastes, market conditions and trends? Who are their target customers? What is their price strategy in term of positioning and is it the right one? Are they based on consumer perceptions of value?

Brand Gap Analysis for Burger King ( 2 or 3 pages max including the reference list) revitalization of BK as an ailing brand present on the market and surpassed by its competitor McDonalds the brand gap analysis allows organizations to determine how to best achieve their business goals. It compares the current state with an […]

Reflect back on the Week 1 discussion in which you shared with the class the global societal issue that you would like to further address. Explore critical insights that were shared by your peers and/or your instructor on the topic chosen and begin your search for scholarly sources with those insights in mind.

Reflect: Reflect back on the Week 1 discussion in which you shared with the class the global societal issue that you would like to further address. Explore critical insights that were shared by your peers and/or your instructor on the topic chosen and begin your search for scholarly sources with those insights in mind. Write: For […]

Address an issue or problem faced by your company of choice (Apple, Inc.) and analyze it using the techniques taught in this course.Explore news/current events to locate a business that has a complex problem which needs to be addressed.

For this assignment, you are required to address an issue or problem faced by your company of choice (Apple, Inc.) and analyze it using the techniques taught in this course. This is a key program assessment; the results are used to ensure students are meeting program goals. Explore news/current events to locate a business that […]

Describe the history of the energy industry in Saudi Arabia: how did it become a global player in the energy industry? What does it produce? Why is oil so important to the county? How is the Saudi government involved in the energy industry?

His political science course focuses on the relationship between the energy industry and geopolitics/global security as it reveals in the policies and interaction of leading energy producers and consumers. The energy industry includes nuclear energy, coal, oil, natural gas, and renewable energy. Paper Topic: This paper will cover the events leading up to Saudi Aramco’s […]

You work as an IT analyst at XYZ Corporation, and your manager, Farah Ahmad, has asked you to develop a presentation for a new client on emerging trends and/or technologies that the client organization could integrate into its operations.

You work as an IT analyst at XYZ Corporation, and your manager, Farah Ahmad, has asked you to develop a presentation for a new client on emerging trends and/or technologies that the client organization could integrate into its operations. First, you must research emerging trends or technologies presented in a recent news report, trade magazine, […]

Explain Background, history, and current economy within Venezuela. How did Venezuela go from being the wealthiest country in South America to one of the largest failures in modern day economic history.

Identify your topic – Economic Indicators and Infrastructure of Venezuela and its relation to the current crisis. Explain why your topic is of interest and significance to you and to the field: Identify specific questions you wish to answer. Explain Background, history, and current economy within Venezuela. How did Venezuela go from being the wealthiest […]

Define identity development and explain why it is important to study identity development in adolescence. Pick a theory of identity development (for example, Erikson’s or Marcia’s theories) and explain what the theory’s main arguments are.

Produce a 3-page paper that does the following: 1. Define identity development and explain why it is important to study identity development in adolescence. 2. Pick a theory of identity development (for example, Erikson’s or Marcia’s theories) and explain what the theory’s main arguments are. 3. After summarizing the theory, critique it by discussing the […]