Entries by Donald

Write three objectives aligned to the standard selected following the Know, Understand, and Do guidelines. For each objective, write a rationale supporting how the standard and objective are properly aligned. Write a summary of a lesson that could teach the objectives created

Review the “COE Lesson Plan Example” located in Topic Materials. On the “Aligning Standards and Learning Objectives” template, write 250-500 words, responding to the following prompts, as they relate to the lesson plan: What is the academic standard? What is the learning objective? Are the standard and objective aligned? How do you know? Provide a […]

Conduct a SWOT analysis of Amazon. What outcomes of the analysis stand out, and how do the identified outcomes influence the business success of Amazon? Be specific, and provide an example to support your conclusion.

Question 1 – Amazon’s business operations depend heavily upon the use and application of technology. Review the following quote *(from Jeff Bezos) found in the case study, and comment on the wide variety of technologies employed in Amazon’s operations. Focus on how these technologies act as strengths and contribute to competitive success. “We use high-performance […]

Imagine how different leaders respond after a crisis situation such as the immediate days after a Level 4 hurricane. Describe how leaders react based on their leadership style. How do responders show appreciation to folks involved? Do they expect special recognition?

What is the most creative “thank you” you’ve ever given or received in a work setting? Have you ever wondered why the Queen of England knighted Paul McCartney of the Beatles? What would it mean if your photo essay in a weekly newspaper won the Pulitzer Prize? Would you go to kindergarten if your daughter […]

Who is the smartest person you know? What are you “smart” about? Are you common sense smart, book smart, street smart, or a combination? Is it realistic to expect employees to be able to leave their problems at home? Why or why not?

Different strokes for different folks. Seems as if it’s an almost universal truth for choosing rewards systems. Based on volumes of research, experts and everyday people seem to innately understand that there are many different kinds of “smarts” among people who lead happy, productive, and successful lives. Emotional Intelligence explores human behaviors in addition to […]

Narcan Medication, discuss the medication’s Route, Action, Side Effects, Indication, and Contra-Indications. You should also mention what conditions the medication is used to treat.

Narcan Medication and Primary Assessment- Airway and breathing. Write 500 words on the medication you have been assigned Topic: Narcan Discuss the medication’s Route, Action, Side Effects, Indication, and Contra-Indications. Mention what conditions the medication is used to treat. Write as two separate assignments. Topic: Primary Assessment- Airway and breathing This topic section has several […]

Identify an organization that has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and recommend how the organization can leverage digital innovation to sustain the business and enable growth.

The Covid-19 pandemic is a situation that will have long lasting effects in our global economy. The outbreak showcases the value of digital operating models and is likely to force many companies to speed up their digital innovation and transformation. For this assignment, consider the following scenarios: Identify an organization that has been significantly affected […]

Select any crime problem or type of crime, and after supplying an overview of the issue, apply criminological theories that tend to explain the causes of the criminal activity.

Each student will prepare a paper written in APA style that has eight to ten pages of text. •Select any crime problem or type of crime, and after supplying an overview of the issue, apply criminological theories that tend to explain the causes of the criminal activity. • References should include a balance of journal […]

Describe Balanchine’s neoclassical style of ballet and how does the dance Agon illustrate this style. Which Balanchine dancer was the first artistic director of the Miami City Ballet? What were some of his most notable ballets while he was working with Balanchine

In the Middle Ages/Renaissance, feudalism stratified society. How was dance expressed in the upper and lower classes? What was Catherine de Medici’s role in the evolution of ballet? Watch the Royal Ballet video on the evolution of ballet and describe how the technique evolved. George Balanchine started the first formal school of American ballet with […]

What was the Arab Spring? How did it start? Why should scholars of terrorism be concerned with it? Should the United State intervene in Syria? Why? If not, when should the US intervene in an international situation?

What was the Arab Spring? How did it start? Why should scholars of terrorism be concerned with it? Should the United State intervene in Syria? Why? If not, when should the US intervene in an international situation? Do we have the moral duty to act when others are being killed, even if it is outside […]

Examine the academic language used in your state college and career readiness standards and language proficiency/development standards. How does the language affect the clarity and measurement of the intended learning?

Identify and review the college and career readiness standards from your state (this may be the Common Core standards or some other set as defined by your state). Based on these materials, compose your post to address the following: Discuss whether the standards are more academically and linguistically demanding than previous state standards that you […]