Entries by Donald

Watch the Closer Look on Augusta of Primaporta (6-18). How does the representation of this first Roman emperor differ from earlier portraits of the Republican period?

Assignment 4: Complete a written paragraph for both Chapter 6 & 7. For Chapter 6: Watch the Closer Look on Augusta of Primaporta (6-18). How does the representation of this first Roman emperor differ from earlier portraits of the Republican period? For Chapter 7: Discuss the difference between longitudinal and central plan churches. Use examples […]

Describe the important pieces of information you would need to know, or need to take into consideration, about the emerging trend or technology in order to make a final decision.

Description of how you would go about assessing whether or not the adoption of an emerging trend or technology would add value to your company if you were the CEO. In your description, do the following: Identify the main areas of value you would be looking to add to your business (e.g., profitability). Describe the […]

Evaluate what you think anthropologists can contribute to understanding this pandemic? What things do you think they need to take into account? What kinds of questions would anthropologists raise that doctors or public health experts might overlook?

Your final writing assignment is to write a two-four page reflection essay in response to the article by Svea Closser and Erin Finley (published in the American Anthropologist in 2016 and recently reprinted in the special issue on Disease and Pandemics) entitled, “A New Reflexivity: Why Anthropology Matters in Health Research and Practice, and How […]

Think about the title of the film – The Murderers Are among Us. What do you think the title might mean or symbolize? How does it relate to a main message or a theme in the film? Is this post-war German film relevant for us today? Why?

What attitude toward Nazi Germany and World War II does this movie reflect? How is the film influenced by the historical and cultural context in which it was made? What was Germany like right after WW II and how can we see this reflected in the movie? Characterize Dr. Hans Mertens. What specific event during […]

Select one of the government-provided health insurance programs. Explain the program in-depth and discuss who benefits from the program, and what the program provides.

Select one of the government-provided health insurance programs. Explain the program in-depth and discuss who benefits from the program, and what the program provides. Discuss what would happen if Congress were to fail to renew funding for the program. This assignment should be written in APA format, should include at least 10 academic references, with […]

Evaluate the factors that should be considered when successfully implementing performance management within an organization.

You have been asked to return to your alma mater and speak to current students about performance management issues. To make the most of this experience for yourself and the students, write a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages) to help you prepare. Your paper should be written in a scholarly […]

Compose a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages); Propose at least three alternative approaches for organizations which have limited financial resources.

Compose a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper should be written in a scholarly third-person tone; it should be in APA format. Your essay should address the following: Evaluate the concept of market competitiveness in relation to an organization’s pay system, particularly when it is unable to offer its […]

Which one do you like best? What are its strengths and weaknesses (each of them has both). Then identify the category of theories that you feel does the poorest job of explaining crime?

Chapters 4-9 in our text examine a number of broad categories of theories concerning why crime occurs, ranging from Rational Choice to Social Conflict/Critical Criminology, Strain Theory, exc.. In your view, which of these broad categories makes the most sense to you in explaining criminal activity? Which one do you like best? What are its […]

Are there practical tools shared to be of value in practice? Is it interesting and does it capture the viewer’s attention? Does the presentation tie in key class concepts?

You will be responsible for finding current event topics relating to marketing that are of interest to you. It can be on anything as long as there is a marketing angle to it. Research your topic and prepare a multimedia presentation that you will post here to share with the class. Hot Topics Instruction Presentation: […]