Entries by Donald

Identify a movie that contains important and sustained mythological themes. Watch that movie. Write an essay analyzing mythological/archetypal themes in the movie

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the student’s achievement of course objectives as detailed in the syllabus, especially the student’s ability to apply knowledge and concepts of mythology to visual texts outside course readings. Assignment: Identify a movie that contains important and sustained mythological themes. Watch that movie Write an essay analyzing mythological/archetypal […]

Discuss the impact of social class on education in the U.S. from preschool through the university. Explain the relationship among race, health and health care in the U.S.

 1. Discuss the impact of social class on education in the U.S. from preschool thru the university. 2. Explain the relationship among race, health and health care in the U.S. 3. Define and illustrate three (3) types of family fairly common today in the U.S. that were not very much in evidence 50 years ago. […]

Recognize key concepts in critical reasoning. Describe barriers in critical reasoning. Identify stages of development in critical reasoning.Assess one’s own critical thinking.

In this module, we explore key concepts in critical reasoning to gain a firm footing in the subject. We examine how self-awareness is important in understanding how and why the human mind interprets and processes information as we also explore impediments to careful reasoning. We will then turn our attention to analyzing stages of development […]

Discuss the research gap you have identified for your dissertation study. How does this gap inform the problem statement of the study? How does the problem statement, in turn, inform the theoretical foundation you select for the study?

The Background of the Problem section identifies, based on prior research, the gap or need that informs the topic and problem statement for the research study. In addition, answer ALL of the following: Discuss the research gap you have identified for your dissertation study. How does this gap inform the problem statement of the study? […]

What characteristics of early Hinduism set it apart from the monotheistic and polytheistic religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia? How might this viewpoint affect one’s perception of nature? Of self? How does this approach to life differ from monotheism?

Respond in writing to the following questions after exploring the sites above and watching the video. 1. What characteristics of early Hinduism set it apart from the monotheistic and polytheistic religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia? How might this viewpoint affect one’s perception of nature? Of self? How does this approach to life differ from monotheism? […]

Discuss the roles of both high culture and pop culture within society. Differentiate between subculture and counterculture. Explain the role of innovation, invention, and discovery in culture

Culture  What Is Culture? Differentiate between culture and society Explain material versus nonmaterial culture Discuss the concept of cultural universalism as it relates to society Compare and contrast ethnocentrism and xenocentrism Elements of Culture Understand how values and beliefs differ from norms Explain the significance of symbols and language to a culture Explain the Sapir-Whorf […]

Describe whether the addition of each ASC would be considered saturation of facilities or appropriate for the area. Explain what indicators should be used to decide if these areas could use an ASC.

Research two existing urban ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) and an existing rural ambulatory surgical center. These ASCs should be in different locations. Create an 8- to 10-slide voice-over presentation to respond to the following prompts based on the facilities you researched. Your team can create a voice-over presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or another program, such […]

Should hunger strikes be considered “protected speech” under the 1st Amendment? Should the government be able force-feed inmates who refuse to eat? If so, at what point in a hunger strike should this take place?

read a supplemental article on Canvas, and read/watch the content at the hyperlinks provided in this document. From July to September of 2013, 30,000 prisoners in California participated in a 2-month long hunger strike in order to raise awareness about issues facing inmates in the CA prison system. You should watch the following video to […]

Imagine you have been tasked with planning a needs assessment in your community. Describe the target population and the perceived needs. Discuss what you have learned so far from your review of relevant literature, existing data, and data from a key informant.

Write a 75- to 175-word description of the topic of your Needs Assessment Paper, due in Week 6. Include the following: – Describe the target population and the perceived needs. – Discuss what you have learned so far from your review of relevant literature, existing data, and data from a key informant. A needs assessment […]

Assess the ethical aspects of a healthcare industry managerial practice and think critically about the challenging ethical and moral issues routinely faced by healthcare managers

Assess the ethical aspects of a healthcare industry managerial practice.  This analytical paper provides you with an opportunity to think critically about the challenging ethical and moral issues routinely faced by healthcare managers and introduces you to the four principles of medical ethics and the ethical code of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). […]